Monday, February 7, 2022

Dave Portnoy Drops Nuke on Group Trying to Cancel Joe Rogan, Reveals Text of Them Using Same Racial Slur

Dave Portnoy Drops Nuke on Group Trying to Cancel Joe Rogan, Reveals Text of Them Using Same Racial Slur
Brodigan - February 07, 2022 at 12:04PM

Joe Rogan and Dave Portnoy have a lot in common. They are both popular with a mainstream audience. The left despises them because they both have massive platforms they use to sometimes have a different opinion than the left. They both have leftists actively trying to destroy them before the 2022 election. And they both have been embroiled in their own n-word controversy. The same n-word that Portnoy exposed was used by one of the douchbags at Meidas Touch, the Democrat Super PAC behind the Rogan controversy.

Joe Rogan apologized when a video surfaced of out of complex clips of the n-word being used. This came after the left's failed attempt to get Rogan censored over the coronavirus. Everyone not employed by CNN knows the media wants you to believe Rogan is racist because their "misinformation" attempt failed. Comedian Andrew Schultz asked who was responsible for the hit. A guy on Twitter laid out exactly how the douchebags from Meidas Touch were responsible. This is where Portnoy gets involved.

He released a video discussing the Rogan controversy because he noticed how the same people are involved in the same coordinated attempt to silence him. He said that's what the controversy is really about. He's also wrong when he criticized the right for saying Rogan shouldn't apologize. Meidas Touch, CNN, and the dishonest attacks from the left are why you DON'T apologize. Name one time someone apologized to a cancel-culture mob and had that apology accepted. But Portnoy's overall point was solid.

Dave Portnoy vs MeidasTouch

EL PRES: I have proof that one of you have used the n-word in a text message before.

DOUCHE #1: That's a lie.

EL PRES: It was to some girl named Lexi.

DOUCHE #2: That's Douche #3's fiance.

DOUCHE #3: ...

Here's why all of this is important. The media working with Democrat operatives to cancel, shame, and/or destroy anyone with a platform that goes against the liberal narrative is nothing new to us. The same people who hate Steven Crowder and Tucker Carlson also hating Joe Rogan and Dave Portnoy is nothing new to us. We consume political content. We follow what is going on. For people who don't follow political content, they don't. They would just see a chyron on CNN "So and so is racist" and assume it must be true.

Having Dave Portnoy draw attention to a thread that would be easily dismissed as fodder for Twitchy AND some of the people behind the attacks exposes it to a more mainstream audience. More people who wouldn't normally realize how in bed the media is with big tech and the Democratic Party are finding that out. Joe Rogan fans are finding that out.

The more people exposing who leftists twats in this country actually are and how they get away with what they get away with is good for everyone.

El Pres just needs to stop with the "there are extremes on both sides" nonsense. Trolls crying about "libstool" is not the same as the news-entertainment industrial complex trying to destroy anyone who disagrees with them.

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RANT! Joe Rogan Should NEVER Have Apologized! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says