Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Justin Trudeau Finally Addresses Freedom Convoy by Doubling Down on the Stupid

Justin Trudeau Finally Addresses Freedom Convoy by Doubling Down on the Stupid
Brodigan - February 09, 2022 at 08:06AM

You can know by the look in Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau's eyes that he knows he's lost. You can't see it on his face because the mask makes him look like that one son Cobra Commander doesn't talk about. But Canada's walking pile of soy and hair product knows the Freedom Convoy won. I mean, dude, Morrissey sides with the truckers. When you are more made of soy than Morrissey, how do you even live with yourself?

Trudeau tried calling the truckers racist. When that didn't work, he was fresh out of ideas. He's stuck with the tired claims that he's following "the science." Though, he did add one idiotic sentence.

"I can understand frustrations with mandates, but mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions."

I.F.P. Trudeau's earned this.

Mandates are restrictions. Restrictions are not the way to avoid other restrictions. Restrictions are restrictions. This is like Anthony Fauci trying to change the word "mandate" to "requirement." It's the same f*cking thing. And when it comes from the federal government, it's a problem. You can call it a Vaccine Ham Sandwich, a Vaccine Fuzzy Puppy, or a Vaccine Steak and Blow Job. It's still the government telling you that you need to make a personal medical decision against your will, as they threaten to restrict your ability to freely live your life.

That's what the Freedom Convoy is about. That's why the left and the media (but I repeat myself) are trying to shut it down. Having citizens stand up to the progressive agenda is bad for business.

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