Monday, February 28, 2022

NYT ‘Journalist’ Says Coverage of Ukraine Demonstrates Racism: ‘Racialized Analysis and Language’

NYT ‘Journalist’ Says Coverage of Ukraine Demonstrates Racism: ‘Racialized Analysis and Language’
Joseph Gunderson - February 28, 2022 at 09:08AM

It was only a matter of time before some leftist clown pipes up to declare American racism was to blame for something or other related to the events unfolding in Ukraine right now, and it was none other than 1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones who couldn’t resist the itch any longer.

Now, if Hannah-Jones’ work with the 1619 Project wasn’t enough for you to understand just how low of an IQ this woman has, just wait until you read what this brilliant dimwit has to say about new coverage of Ukraine!

Reported originally by BizPac Review, in a since-deleted tweet, Hannah-Jones stated that the media was only concerned with “Europeans with blond hair and blue eyes” due to their “insidious racism.”

However, even if that tweet has been deleted—probably because describing Ukrainians as blond-haired, blue-eyed was even too stupid for her—she continued to suggest the exact same sentiment in some different, carefully chosen words.

“Every journalist covering Ukraine should really, really look internally. This is why I say we should stop pretending we have objectivity and in instead acknowledge our biases so that we can report against them. Many of us see the racialized analysis and language.”

“And honestly, these admissions of shock that this is happening in a European country are ahistorical and also serve to justify the lack of sympathy for other invasions, other occupations and other refugee crisis involving peoples not considered white.”

If we were to apply Hannah-Jones’ logic, there shouldn’t be any coverage of these types of events whatsoever. I’m sure she would be tickled pink if the media covered whatever intertribal warfare was currently waging in Africa, but then, to be shocked that it is happening would be ahistorical… It also probably doesn’t have the same impact on global affairs as Ukraine.

But in Hannah-Jones’ mind, everything must be about American racism because she’s an over-educated imbecile the left has propped up as some kind of intellectual. She’s just the female Ibram Kendi—who is also an insufferable troglodyte.

If you need to find just one more reason not to take the media and the NYT, in particular, seriously, look no further than this idiot.

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from Steven Crowder Says

SHOW NOTES: China is FUNDING Russia's War Machine in Ukraine!

SHOW NOTES: China is FUNDING Russia's War Machine in Ukraine!
Team Crowder - February 28, 2022 at 09:07AM

China is teaming up with Russia against Ukraine... possibly the world. We have everything you need to know before WWIII begins. Also, vaccines can now spread to the unvaccinated. And did Louis CK play Ukraine this weekend?

from Steven Crowder Says

'He Has Man Boobs': Joe Rogan Destroys 'Health' Expert Bill Gates and His Anti-Meat Agenda

'He Has Man Boobs': Joe Rogan Destroys 'Health' Expert Bill Gates and His Anti-Meat Agenda
Brodigan - February 28, 2022 at 08:53AM

Bill Gates is a creepy little bugger who took relationship advice from Jeffrey Epstein. Liberals think he's a health expert because he has a lot of money and a political opinion with which they agree. He's also a sloppy-looking b*tch who thinks eating meat is unhealthy and you and I should be eating bugs, instead. This is where Joe Rogan gets tagged in.

Rogan was interviewing dietician Diana Rodgers and biochemist Rob Wolf. Talk turned to Bill Gates buying up 242,000 acres of farmland, making him America's largest farm owner. The rub is Gates has no plans to use the land for farming. He just doesn't want other people to use the land to make food he doesn't like. As Rogan points out, has this clown looked in the mirror?

"And, by the way, you look like sh*t. If you’re eating those plant-based burgers or whatever the f*ck you’re doing-- you’re obese. [...] Your health is piss poor. I’m not a doctor, but when you’ve got man-boobs and a gut, and you’re walking around, and you have like these toothpick arms. I’m like, ‘Hey buddy, you’re not healthy.'"

It's been absurd throughout the pandemic that "being healthy" isn't recommended. Jen Psaki even confirmed that Joe Biden won't suggest Americans lose weight until the government guys tell him that's his opinion. Anti-meat extremism takes on a political aspect, either for "the science" reasons or for so-insane-this-must-be-parody woke reasons. I guess not enough people are listening to the former, so the left felt the need to guilt people with the latter. Leading that charge is Bill Gates, a man from whom, because he has a lot of money and the proper progressive opinion, we're expected to take health advice.

As Joe Rogan points out, Gates needs a personal trainer first. And maybe a steak. Because he looks like crap.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Biden Claims Americans are Too Psychologically Damaged to Understand How Good He's Made Their Lives

Watch: Biden Claims Americans are Too Psychologically Damaged to Understand How Good He's Made Their Lives
Brodigan - February 28, 2022 at 08:16AM

Dear God, if You are watching, please guide the hand of whoever is writing Joe Biden's State of the Union Address that THIS is the over-arching message. That Americans are too messed up in the head to understand what an amazing president Biden has been.

This comes from an interview with some progressive podcaster, where Biden also claims he's restored the soul of the country by bringing people together. Yes, the same Joe Biden who called people that disagree with him racist.

"[The reason people don't realize what an amazing job Biden has done is} the phenomenal psychological impact COVID has had on the public's psyche. And so you have an awful lot of people who are, uh, notwithstanding the fact that, uh, things have gotten so much better for them economically."

EDITORS NOTE: I legit laughed out loud as I was transcribing that part.

"That they are thinking, 'How do you get up in the morning and feel happy?' Happy that everything is alright now."

Purely for the sake of argument, let's say what Joe Biden says is true. It's not, and Biden is a numbskull. But let's pretend all our brains are made of pudding like Biden's and what he says is truthy. And that Americans are so psychologically damaged that I probably would have dated America in college. Joe Biden and the Media-Entertainment Industrial Complex that supports him is to blame.

They are the ones who spent the last two years terrifying Americans. First, by reporting we were all going to die during the last president. Then, when over half a million more died during this president, said we needed to follow "the science" as defined by the government guys better than we did before.

As an aside, the dishonest reporting has managed to make Joe Biden's supporters the least informed about the pandemic. Go figure.

Biden and the people who control Biden used children as pawns and claimed their angry parents were domestic terrorists. Blue-state parents were forced to watch children from red states--where science was followed as opposed to "the science"--live happy lives.

Yet, now that the political science has changed (and Biden has a big speech coming up), suddenly so have the restrictions that have caused Americans to have "psychological" problems. We're supposed to pretend the timing is just a coincidence.

Joe Biden thinks people are too psychologically unable to be happy about what a wonderful job he's been doing. He should look in the f*cking mirror if he wants to know why.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Biden Admin Updates FEMA Guidelines: In Event of Nuclear Armageddon, Wear a Mask and Social Distance

Biden Admin Updates FEMA Guidelines: In Event of Nuclear Armageddon, Wear a Mask and Social Distance
Brodigan - February 28, 2022 at 07:02AM

If you follow the political science, you know it's safe to take your mask off prior to Joe Biden's SOTU. NBC News reports the Biden admin "suggested" to CDC that they update their guidelines pre-speech. The House physician went from mandating masks AND negative tests for the SOTU to saying "never mind." Even NY Governor Kathy Hochul is dropping school mask mandates... the day after Biden's speech. But it looks like no one told FEMA the political science changed. In the event of nukes falling from the sky, they want you masked up and six feet apart.

LIbsofTikTok made the discovery. When the website gets changed, these are the screen captures:

Worst-case scenario. A nuke goes off or you have sufficient warning that a nuke is about to go off because if the nuke already went off, you'd be dead (and most likely marked as a COVID death). If you made it to the bomb shelter, FEMA says the most important thing for you to do is make sure you are wearing a mask (if you're not with people from your household) and stay six feet away from everyone.

Let's say you were injured in the middle of nuclear armageddon. Call 911 and let them know you are having an emergency but not until after you let them know if you think you have COVID. Also, make sure you put a mask on before help arrives.

Then there is this bit that needs to be read verbatim: "Many people may already feel fear and anxiety about the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). The threat of a nuclear explosion can add additional stress."

One might be inclined to believe these guidelines were updated at the start of the pandemic. And not as a result of the word "nuke" entering the global discourse due to the crisis in Ukraine.


Someone employed by our federal government updated "what to do in the event of a nuclear attack" on Friday to include virtue signaling about the coronavirus. I suppose there is a chance that FEMA was infiltrated by a BASED IT guy who made the changes knowing we would pick up on them and mock accordingly. The most likely reason is that someone saw the word "nuke" in the news, and never got the memo that the political science surrounding COVID changed. There is someone being paid with your tax dollars who believes in the event of a nuclear attack, you should worry about catching COVID.

Our government is run by nincompoops.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Ask and Ye Shall Receive: Elon Musk Comes to the Aid of Ukraine, Activates Starlink After Plea

Ask and Ye Shall Receive: Elon Musk Comes to the Aid of Ukraine, Activates Starlink After Plea
Joseph Gunderson - February 27, 2022 at 07:33AM

Yesterday, Elon Musk received a plea from Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov, asking him via Twitter to "provide Ukraine with Starlink stations." The official account of the Ukrainian government gave the tweet a little boost, also pleading with Musk for his aid.

Well, Elon Musk might not be Batman, but he has no problem throwing around his assets to help those in dire need, and he was quick to respond to the needs of Ukrainians currently fighting for their freedom against the hordes of Russians presently invading their country.

I mean, if Musk wanted to be Batman, he could probably be Batman. Just sayin'.

Put a pin in that one.

As noted by The Daily Wire, Musk's move to open Starlink to Ukraine received several kudos. Both the Ukraine account and Fedorov thanked Musk for his response: "Thank you [Elon Musk], thank you everyone, who supported Ukraine!"

Scott Adams replied, "Pushes a button and changes the course of history."

And Mike Cernovich thinks Musk could also be a superhero if he so chose: "Elon Musk is Iron Man. The West sees all conflict now as a 3 act comic book movie."

However, the most important response to Musk's generosity came from his mother Maye.

Just a little feel-good moment for you as the world seems to be falling apart around us. It's Sunday, and I'm about to go to church, so I had to add that little tidbit in there.

Starlink will provide the entire country of Ukraine with high-speed satellite broadband, which will come in handy to communicate as the infrastructure has obviously come under threat during the Russian invasion.

Our prayers are with Ukraine today and every day until this is over. Elon Musk answered a modest prayer for Ukraine, the least we can do is keep it up.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Vice-Principal 'Just Doing My Job' While Locking Little Girl Outside in Cold for Not Wearing Mask

Watch: Vice-Principal 'Just Doing My Job' While Locking Little Girl Outside in Cold for Not Wearing Mask
Brodigan - February 27, 2022 at 07:04AM

With all eyes focused on the war in Ukraine, let's not forget the war on our kids here in America. This took place at Summerville Elementary in Tuolumne, California. California, much like New York and deep blue cities across America, is under occupation by the teachers' unions. Even as the CDC starts to follow the political science and decide a week before a big Joe Biden speech that you no longer need to wear masks, the same isn't true for children in liberal-run areas. Nine-year-olds are locked outside in the cold for not wearing a mask.

The union foot soldier/assistant principal? She's just doing her job.

Most leftists have started following the political science.

Yet some school districts are intent to torture our kids for as long as they can. You're free to decide if it's out of spite because they view parents as the enemy, or if they're just following orders from the unions that got them elected. One thing you know it's not is "science."

How pathetic of a grown-ass adult do you have to be to stand there watching a nine-year-old be locked outside of her school, and say without a shred of irony "I'm just doing my job." If you think your job as an educator is to put adult fear and politics before the well-being of children, you should be unemployed.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Russian Tank Runs Out of Gas En Route to Kyiv, Ukrainian Dude Pulls Over to Laugh at Them

Watch: Russian Tank Runs Out of Gas En Route to Kyiv, Ukrainian Dude Pulls Over to Laugh at Them
Brodigan - February 27, 2022 at 07:01AM

One would imagine it must be embarrassing if you go to invade a country and that country laughs at you--you, with your camouflage and a big gun, finding yourself with women calling you pinko biyatch to your face. This Russian tank running out of gas on the way to the invasion was emasculating enough. Then a dude they were trying to invade pulled up next to them.

Allegedly, of course. I'm relying on TMZ for the translation here:

UKRAINE DUDE: You guys broke down?


UKRAINE DUDE: You broke down? Maybe you need a tow back to Russia. Do you know where you're headed?


UKRAINE DUDE Well you're headed toward Kyiv.

SOLDIER: What are people saying?

UKRAINE DUDE: Everything is going our way. Your side is surrendering well because none of your guys know where they're headed. I asked a whole caravan of guys like you, and none of you know where you're headed. Some of your comrades have already been surrendering to deez.

SOLDIER: What's deez?

UKRAINE DUDE: Deez nuts, you commie bitch.

Ok, so I threw in the deez nuts joke myself. But the rest is from TMZ's translation. Also, how does a tank run out of gas? Rule#1 of going on a road trip is keeping an eye on fuel. It's right up with the person riding shotgun deciding what music you're bumpin' to on the journey. They must have been too busy rocking out to Gorky Park classics from the 80s, so they weren't paying attention.

It's beginning to feel like invading Ukraine isn't working out for Russia the way they were expecting. That must be embarrassing, as well.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Pathetic: NPR Publishes Tips for Americans Who Are 'Stressed' From 'Reading' About Ukraine

Pathetic: NPR Publishes Tips for Americans Who Are 'Stressed' From 'Reading' About Ukraine
Joseph Gunderson - February 26, 2022 at 08:27AM

If there is a better way to contrast the difference between the people of Ukraine currently fighting for their freedom and Americans, who are upset when someone doesn’t believe they are non-binary tree-nymphs, well, I don’t know what it is.

Ukraine is being battered by Russian forces attempting to seize the country. Young men and women are fighting from street to street in some places to hold off the hordes. It is a literal hell on earth right now for the people of Ukraine. And what are Americans dealing with? Well, they know what’s going on, and that makes them sad.

Andee Tagle of NPR writes, “The reality of conflict is always a shock to the system.” Yeah, you think? But is it really a shock when your system consists of picking up an overpriced latte from Starbucks, casually walking down the street to your cozy office, and at the end of the day, having only to worry about whether or not there will be something good to watch on Hulu? You’re joking, right?

Tagle’s list reads like something a university might hand out to students in preparation for finals or something: breathe, get moving, nourish yourself, stay connected, or sign off. I read that list and face-palm so hard.

“When the news is scary, it’s easy to get lost in our own heads. Reach out to loved ones instead.”

I want to meet the squishy wimp who takes this advice, runs to his dad with tears in his eyes, and says, “I can’t take what’s going on in Ukraine! It’s just so stressful!”

I do find it a little funny, however, that Tagle includes signing off as an option. Can they start applying this rule to everything they don’t like, everything that triggers them? It took a new war breaking out for these tools to figure out there’s a power button on their electronics? Do Democrats not know how to function without being told explicitly what to do? I mean, that does sound about right… It would explain quite a bit.

Needless to say, the list is hilariously mundane and made all the funnier because leftists required such a list to soothe their fears and stress over something they themselves aren’t experiencing. This is why I’m not afraid of a civil war with these people. Could you imagine any of them actually having to fight? Neither can I.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

'Maybe This Is Our Last Message': Ukraine Lieutenant Sends Powerful Message as He Prepares for His Last Stand

'Maybe This Is Our Last Message': Ukraine Lieutenant Sends Powerful Message as He Prepares for His Last Stand
Brodigan - February 26, 2022 at 07:59AM

You can't not be moved by the heroism coming out of Ukraine. People woke up Thursday morning and said goodbye to their families because they were now at war. Soldiers have stood defiantly knowing their lives were about to end. Civilians are getting in the faces of Russian soldiers to tell them where to stick their rifles. My biggest conflict this morning was finding a cup of coffee in a hotel. This Ukraine Lieutenant's biggest conflict may be his last.

And he wants the world to know if it is, he's taking as many with him as he can.


“Me, a lieutenant in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, company commander. Here are my warriors. We are not afraid, we are not panicking. We do not lay down our arms and we will not succumb to any tyrants. We will not allow any murderers to impose their will on us. We will not give you a millimeter of our own land.

"Maybe this is our last recording. I don't know if I was a good or bad person, or what God will say. But I know that I am a good citizen and a good soldier. I am the protector of my homeland. The guarantor of her peace. Her shield and sword in time of war.

"You who come here whoever you are, whatever you are, who invade our house--get out of our land. We'll fight you until the last bullet. And when they're over, we'll fight you with our bare fists. We will fight you on land, in water, underground, and in the air. Neither of you will get out of here alive. You will all die. And our land will be free.

"Glory to Ukraine. Glory heroes.”

Glory heroes, indeed. My man here sounds like Churchill saying: "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets..."

All we can do right now is keep these brave men in our prayers. Let's keep doing so.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Ukraine’s President Zelensky Offered Evacuation by US: ‘I Need Ammunition, Not a Ride’

Ukraine’s President Zelensky Offered Evacuation by US: ‘I Need Ammunition, Not a Ride’
Joseph Gunderson - February 26, 2022 at 07:53AM

Ukrainians are seriously made from different stuff. The old women are fearless. The young soldiers are dauntless. And their leaders? Strong and steadfast.

The New York Post reports that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was offered an evacuation by the United States, to hurry him away from Kyiv before the Russians potentially took the city, but Zelensky refused, saying, “The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride,” says “an American intelligence official with direct knowledge of the conversation.”

I didn’t think they made leaders like this anymore, but I was wrong. As it turns out, much to my chagrin, America just doesn’t elect leaders like this anymore. Instead, we get slow Joe and his proto-hooker VP.

Zelensky has made a number of other statements posted to social media. In one video, Zelensky stands with members of his cabinet saying, “All of us are here protecting the independence of our country, and it will continue to be this way.”

from Steven Crowder Says

Majority of Americans Believe Putin Invaded Because Trump Is Gone, Views Biden as Weak According to New Poll

Majority of Americans Believe Putin Invaded Because Trump Is Gone, Views Biden as Weak According to New Poll
Brodigan - February 26, 2022 at 07:21AM

After Putin invaded Ukraine, there was a concerted effort from blue checkmarks to declare "Thank goodness Donald Trump isn't president." Which is an odd flex. I know the main tenet of being BlueAnon is the belief that Putin "installed" Trump as president via Facebook ads, but it seems a simple equation. Trump is the one president where Putin DIDN'T try to invade another country. It seems like a waste of "installing" someone as the American president. Turns out, according to a new Harvard-Harris poll, it doesn't make sense to a vast majority of Americans, either.

According to polling, 62% say Putin would NOT be moving against Ukraine if Trump was still president, and 59% believe Putin only chose now to invade because he views weakness in Joe Biden. I wonder where Putin got this idea from?

The poll went along party lines, but 38% percent of DEMOCRATS think Putin only did this because Trump is gone. THIRTY-EIGHT percent of Joe Biden's political party who have been fed BlueAnon conspiracies for the last five years STILL think Ukraine would not be getting invaded right now if Trump was president.

The other 62% of Democrats must believe what the boss describes.

"So Putin’s plan was to invade Georgia under Bush’s watch, Crimea under Obama’s… nothing under the President he helped “install” … and the immediately Ukraine under Biden. Am I doing this right?"

Yes. That is exactly what we're supposed to believe. Then we can all meet back here when Xi invades Taiwan and take the same poll.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Friday, February 25, 2022

Breaking: Biden to Nominate Ketanji Jackson to Replace Breyer on Supreme Court

Breaking: Biden to Nominate Ketanji Jackson to Replace Breyer on Supreme Court
Joseph Gunderson - February 25, 2022 at 08:58AM

With everything going on—Trudeau’s fascist dictatorship and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine—I’m sure some people have forgotten (understandably) that Associate Justice Breyer is retiring from the Supreme Court, and Biden’s Administration has been busy looking for the perfect black female to replace him—because that’s how we make such decisions these days: based on race and gender.

Well, it looks as if Biden’s people have finally settled on who is to be that black female. The New York Post reports that Justice Stephen Breyer will be replaced by Ketanji Brown Jackson, who currently serves as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

Biden had promised long ago to nominate a black female to the nation’s highest court, and this nomination would fulfill that promise. Of course, Jackson would still have to be confirmed by the Senate. However, as the Post notes, “Senate Democrats can confirm Jackson, a former Breyer clerk, without any GOP support, but she was confirmed to her current position last year with three Republican votes.”

It doesn’t look as if there will be much of a fight to keep Jackson off the bench, which actually kind of sucks because Democrats are looking to get slaughtered this November, and it’s entirely possible the Republicans take back a huge chunk of the Senate. If there was a way to hold out until then, Republicans could stall the nomination similar to how they kept that weasel Merrick Garland from sitting on the court.

The make-up of the court will not change. Breyer was a dyed-in-the-wool leftist as will be Jackson, who attended Harvard for both her undergraduate and law degrees. She’s also only 51 years old, so we can expect she’ll serve on the court for quite some time.

It would have been nice to replace Breyer with a conservative, though, especially as the court has yet to rule on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Then again, many of the Republican-appointed justices rarely vote as conservative, so whatever.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Not a Joke: SecDef Looking for Ways to Train Ukrainian Forces Remotely

Not a Joke: SecDef Looking for Ways to Train Ukrainian Forces Remotely
Joseph Gunderson - February 25, 2022 at 08:29AM

As Russian forces continue their invasion of Ukraine, Joe Biden announces sanctions. He doesn’t expect they will prevent anything, but he also thinks they will do something… Maybe in a month or so. And now that his people have ushered him away from a podium so he can’t say more stupid things, It’s the Secretary of Defense’s turn!

In a report from the Washington Examiner, yesterday, SecDef Lloyd Austin told lawmakers that “the Biden administration is looking for ways to help train Ukrainian forces remotely.” This isn’t a joke. This was something said by a member of the Biden Administration. As Russian forces roll over Ukraine, Biden and Austin want to train the Ukrainian forces remotely.

Can anyone imagine attempting to train military forces via Zoom call? I can’t. In fact, I know that it would be nearly impossible to teach most soldiering skills over Skype. It just doesn’t work that way. Is Austin going to overnight some Oculus goggles to the Ukrainian army so they can take turns playing Call of Duty or something? This all sounds ridiculous!

Remote learning hasn’t done so well when lives didn’t depend on it. Our children can attest to that. But our moronic military leaders—who you know had input in this cockamamy, half-baked bullsh*t—think some video calls are going to get Ukrainian forces in fighting shape? Give me a break.

The west doesn’t want to get involved too deeply in Ukraine. We all know this. Some of the reasons are understandable, some of them a kind of stupid, but there is an argument to be made there. But this ludicrous suggestion of providing aid through remote training to Ukrainian forces? I think they have a little too much on their plates at the moment to sit down in a conference room for a call with a handful of American soldiers and have a chit-chat.

Frankly, if I were a leader in Ukraine, I know exactly what I’d tell Lloyd Austin and Joe Biden.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

‘Go F*** Yourself’: Ukrainian Soldiers' Eternal Final Words to Russian Invaders

‘Go F*** Yourself’: Ukrainian Soldiers' Eternal Final Words to Russian Invaders
Joseph Gunderson - February 25, 2022 at 07:55AM

There’s an amazing quote from Marcus Aurelius—many will recognize it from Gladiator—and it goes, “Death smiles at us all. All we can do is smile back.” I’m guessing these thirteen soldiers stationed on Snake Island did just that.

This story of courage and bad*ssery comes to us via Barstool Sports. Only thirteen men were stationed on Snake Island when the Russians came knocking, prepared to shell the entire island during their invasion of Ukraine. And when they gave the Ukrainian forces the choice to either surrender or face demise, the soldiers didn’t miss a beat making the choice and in such a way that will ensure they will live forever in our memories.

Radio: “This is Russian warship, I repeat, I suggest you surrender your weapons and capitulate, otherwise I will open fire. Do you copy?”

Off Radio: “This is it. Should I tell him to go f*ck himself?”

Off Radio: “Just in case.”

Radio: “Russian warship, go f*ck yourself.”

And before someone attempts to besmirch the memory of these gallant men, saying this is fake news (which, I mean, I might have been inclined to skepticism, as well), Barstool did their homework. As it turns out, the Battle of Snake Island is real, and regretfully—albeit expectedly—all thirteen of the Soldiers manning the post on Snake Island were killed by the Russians.

They knew what was about to happen. “This is it.” But they weren’t going to go out like sniveling cowards. “Should I tell him to go f*ck himself?” “Just in case [we die]” we want to go out like bad*sses. And you did, men. You most certainly did just that.

While this is thus far the greatest demonstration of guts and patriotism we’ve seen come out of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it isn’t the only one. It didn’t end as terribly, but even the one Ukrainian old lady has more stones over there than all the men in the Democratic Party combined.

As this event continues to unfold, keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers. God knows this isn’t going to get any easier for them anytime soon, and it doesn’t look as if the west isn’t going to be doing much in the way of coming to their aid.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Russell Brand Explains It All: Justin Trudeau Just Damaged Canada Forever

Russell Brand Explains It All: Justin Trudeau Just Damaged Canada Forever
Brodigan - February 25, 2022 at 07:42AM

If you are a celebrity, I just assume we have different political opinions. I judge it based on a) how big of a dick are you about it, and b) how much you sound like you hate the half of the country who disagrees with you. For a while, Russell Brand was on the wrong side of that equation. I'm sure we still disagree on a lot, but lately, we can find common ground on big things. Like free speech, what a twat Brian Stelter is, and just how colossally Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau permanently damaged his own country and set frightening precedence for other countries to follow.

Trudeau 'Stands Against Authoritarianism'... While ARRESTING Convoy Founder! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Priorities: NYT Blasts Ukrainian Refugees for Not Wearing Masks as They Flee for Their Lives

Priorities: NYT Blasts Ukrainian Refugees for Not Wearing Masks as They Flee for Their Lives
Brodigan - February 25, 2022 at 07:35AM

The New York Times reports on a crisis happening in Ukraine right now. People aren't wearing masks. And because of that, they are going to be spreading the coronavirus all throughout Poland and Europe, as they flee for their lives. Seriously. This is something the NYT felt was important enough to write about.

Reuters has live coverage of Ukrainian refugees fleeing. You know, because their country is being invaded by Russians. Notice how few people have their faces covered. I have to ask you to notice. You wouldn't notice on your own. That's because you only notice important things, and a family not grabbing a face covering as they are throwing all their belongings into a bag and running out of the house doesn't fall under "important."

Cardi B Tries Her Hand at Politics and Should Go Back to Ass Scratching | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Watch: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Underway. Graphic Videos Tell the Story

Watch: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Underway. Graphic Videos Tell the Story
Joseph Gunderson - February 24, 2022 at 09:17AM

Update: The original post included a video that wasn't real. It was caught up in all the other footage. I apologize for its inclusion. It has been removed.

Very few Americans will ever experience what it’s like to be in war. That’s a good thing. We should all thank God that we live in this country and that we’re protected by a military that keeps our enemies at bay. But not everyone is so lucky.

After being engaged in an on-and-off war with Russia for years, Ukraine is now on the business end of a full-on invasion. And living in a world in which technology and social media are ubiquitous means that we are allowed a glimpse into the conflict the likes of which generations before us could only dream. Or, if we’re going to be accurate, this is a terrible nightmare.

I’m no stranger to the realities of war, but some of this stuff sends my heart into my throat and turns my stomach.

Let this be your warning: some of these images are graphic.

Imagine this playing out over your city last night, and then try to tell me with a straight face that your life isn’t blessed. This invasion just began, and Putin’s forces are coming in force.

This is what happens when the leader of the free world is a gutless, witless, empty suit of a human being: The worst people on the planet feel—no—they know they can get away with this kind of murder and destruction because there is no real leader. He’s weak.

This next one breaks my heart.

As our military promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity, making stupid TikTok dance videos and cringy recruiting ads, our enemies have been preparing to murder innocent women and children.

Luckily, it would seem Ukrainians have the kind of stones I only wish Americans did. These people are patriots, willing to fight for their own freedom in a way Americans haven’t been in many, many years.

This is what happens when the greatest country to ever grace this planet is led by weak, immoral, Godless people. This is what happens when our president all but gives permission to a despotic regime to invade another country. This is what happens when Joe Biden is incapable of acting decisively, acting strongly, or acting intelligently. The fact is, he’s not a person who should ever have been elected, and the various foreign policy debacles in just over a year of his presidency prove it.

We’re watching the war in Ukraine unfold before our very eyes, and I’m disheartened to know the images will only become worse.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Teacher Caught Bear Hugging Student, Physically Throwing Him Out of Classroom for Not Wearing a Mask

Watch: Teacher Caught Bear Hugging Student, Physically Throwing Him Out of Classroom for Not Wearing a Mask
Joseph Gunderson - February 24, 2022 at 08:23AM

Nothing says “Stay away from me, you disgusting, diseased vermin, you’re going to give me COVID-19” like giving someone a bear hug as you huff and puff your way out the door. Well, that’s just what this moron did.

Oh, man, this man is a hero! The school will probably award him a medal for stopping the equivalent of a school shooting! Frankly, I’m surprised he lived. I’m sure he’ll be telling the harrowing tale around the water cooler for years to come.

Let’s be honest, I’m just glad he didn’t pick the kid up and throw him at another kid. But the way the man is gasping for air, grunting the entire time he barely scoots the kid to the door makes me believe he couldn’t pick up anything much larger than his lunch box full of bonbons, and the only place he’s throwing those is down his gullet.

But seriously, if this teacher was that worried about this boy spreading COVID, he probably wouldn’t wrap his arms around him and drag him out of the room. These rules are based on anything except control and fear tactics, and these dimwitted teachers are just doing what they’re told because thinking isn’t something they’ve done in a long time.

We don’t know what happened before and after this short video, of course. It doesn’t look like there was a huge hubbub prior to the clip, as all the students are seated easily in their chairs, giggling at the spectacle, and the boy seems to find the entire thing pretty funny, too. He was probably just sent into the hallway, but that doesn’t make it any better, especially because the teacher laid hands on a student.

He wasn’t locked in a cold gymnasium or relegated to a vestibule without food or water. But he was put in time out for the crime of breathing… This is insane.

Students have had enough of this nonsense. It’s time we get back to normal—as opposed to the new normal the left is fond of promoting. Take off the muzzles and quit living in fear, people!

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says