Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Okay Conservatives, Leftists are Dangerous. It's Time to MOVE to a Red State, Make it Redder, and Fight Back

Okay Conservatives, Leftists are Dangerous. It's Time to MOVE to a Red State, Make it Redder, and Fight Back
Courtney Kirchoff - September 08, 2021 at 04:40PM

In July of this year, I moved out of the people's soviet state of Washington and moved 2,000 miles southeast for northern Texas. Living in a purple-to-red state is a first for me. For my entire life I lived on the left coast. I do not regret it, as I learned from the left. I know their game, I know how they think, I see how vigilant they are in their causes. I know that while many of them do not say or act like the whackos we see on Twitter, plenty wish they could. Not all. But plenty.

That's how I know just how dangerous they are. How quickly they'll move against you. How they will sell you out and believe they're doing the world a favor. If you haven't observed just how draconian and fascist they are, you're ripe for entrapment. They see Australia and get warm in their private places. They want to destroy you and people who think like you. Look no further than Jimmy Kimmel who said unvaccinated people should be left to die, and the audience applauded.

That's why now is the time to get out of your blue hell hole and high tail it for friendly territory.

Yes, this column is the opposite stance I took last year, when I wrote that you shouldn't flee your state and surrender territory to the left. But if your state is as deep blue as mine was, then you've already lost. The battle was waged silently and over time, and no thanks to the largely useless, gutless Republican Party, the battle was lost.

Real talk: if you're a conservative living in a blue district in a blue state, you're living in enemy territory. You're outnumbered. You're out-crazied. There's a good chance your out-couraged. There is power in numbers and you simply do not have the numbers. I will give this to the left: they are fearless and relentless. They believe wholeheartedly in their causes, they believe they're on the correct side of the argument. They're loud, they're proud. Their loudness makes them seem like a larger group than they actually may be. As a result, they're emboldened.

The right, however, not so much. Our motto is "leave me alone to live my life." It hasn't worked, and has resulted in the left consuming territory, pop culture, education, and so much more. Yes, the deck is stacked against us. And now it's dangerous.

Time for some tough love many here will not like to read. Critical Race Theory has been around for years. But only in 2020 and 2021 did conservative parents seem to figure it out and call bullshit? I appreciate the sudden interest in what children are taught, but they've been brainwashed with liberal nonsense for a long time. Parents pushing back against CRT in schools might be a case of too little too late, not better late than never. Whatever excuse Gen X and Millennial parents cite for their only recent interest in their children's education is not good enough. Sorry, I told you you weren't going to like it. But the willingness to fight back is a good thing. Take this newfound courage and channel it into battles that can actually be won.

Yes, I'm saying it. It might be time to retreat, y'all. Not to hang our heads in shame, but to regroup. Lose a battle to win the war. Only this time let's put into practice the courage discovered in the past two years.

No more sidelining. No more complaining to just complain. No more tuning into talk radio, YouTube, or FoxNews and thinking that's enough. It isn't, we've proven it's not. Rush Limbaugh commanded an enormous audience the left could not compete with. And yet the left advanced. Conservative media outlets are surging, gaining popularity every day, despite Big Tech trying to shut us down. And yet the left advances.

The left wants to destroy us. There's only one way to fight back: we have to want to destroy them. We're talking about a side that believes white people are evil just for being white, that babies are not human and do not deserve life, that the "unvaccinated" are now a faceless group that's somehow responsible for the scourge of a virus with a sky high survival rate.

Strength and power in numbers only works if you're surrounded by allies.

So yes, it's time to flee areas that are overrun with liberals. If you can defeat them, if there are actually more sane than insane, then yes, stay and make the fight. But if you can't, you need to get the hell out. I say that as I watch what's happening in Australia. These people are dangerous. They want you controlled, and if you cannot be controlled, they're now admitting they want you dead. You are nothing to them if you do not comply. They have no problem ratting you out to authorities. So get out. Find an area with like-minded people. Gather. Coalesce. Strategize. Run for school board. Run for local office where you can win. Balkanize and never apologize for your beliefs. Never give up your weapons. Never give up your principles.

Courage is more easily found when you have support. We're not seeing much of that from the Republican Party, so it's hard to put up the fight when our supposed "leaders" are feckless, spineless cowards. That means you can be the leader. I'm looking at you moms and dads speaking up at school boards. Run for the school boards. Run for office. You've found your voice, you have our support. You CAN make a difference, if not in the insane district you're living in now, in a district elsewhere.

Conservatives have allowed the left to push us around for decades. This is where we are now. It needs to end. Let's regroup. Let's find support with each other. Then let's beat them back by using their own tactics against them. Two can play this game. It's time we entered the field.

from Steven Crowder Says