Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Bill Gates is Asked What 'Lesson' He Learned from Epstein Association. His Stuttering Answer is Telling...

Bill Gates is Asked What 'Lesson' He Learned from Epstein Association. His Stuttering Answer is Telling...
Courtney Kirchoff - September 22, 2021 at 09:45AM

Remember that whatever your opinion of Bill Gates, his politics, or the annoying way he speaks, the man is not a dummy. In fact I'd argue he's brilliant. Which is why I find it pretty hard to believe Mr. Microsoft didn't know Jeffery Epstein was a pedophile. PBS might also find it hard to believe, hence some digging to make Mr. Gates' squirm visible from space.

PBS: When you met him ten years ago, he was already convicted of soliciting prostitution from minors, so what is wrong with you, you sick pervert?

Gates: I had dinners with him because I needed money for philanthropy, despite having more money than God. Obviously I wanted a little teenage dream for myself. Please stop asking me these questions.

PBS: Okay but what lesson did you learn?

Gates: Well my friend is dead now, so I guess I learned that it's better to suicide people before they get caught.

Though I'm no body language expert, I do recognize when someone would rather crawl away into a hole and die. There are likely giant impressions in Gate's seat cushion indicating compulsive butt clenches and profuse crack sweat. Sorry for the visual but you know I'm right.

How do you have a long-running relationship with Jeffery Epstein and not know he's a pedophile? Especially AFTER he's already been convicted. Further, how can someone as well off and well-connected as Bill Gates, who was the richest man on the planet for YEARS, not thoroughly background check all of his associates? That's why I have an impossible time believing Bill Freaking Gates didn't have an inkling his pal Jeff was boinking teenagers.

Good people don't solicit money from convicted perverts. Unless they're also perverts. Gates also took marriage advice from Epstein. That's like getting cooking advice from Jeffery Dahmer. But you don't take relationship advice from someone you don't have a close relationship WITH.

Bill Gates: SEX PERVERT. Allegedly.

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