Thursday, September 30, 2021

Video Perfectly Illustrates the Thought Process of Pro-Mandate Fauci Zealots

Video Perfectly Illustrates the Thought Process of Pro-Mandate Fauci Zealots
Brodigan - September 30, 2021 at 07:48AM

Here's the deal. The YouTube has released new censorship guidelines, so I'm sure Facebook has followed suit. Some of us have gotten a little too chirpy in our criticisms of a certain V-word that rhymes with "maxine." Big Tech has declared, as far as I can tell, any criticism of the maxine to be anti-max. All in the name of the CDC and the public "health" crisis. However, as of now, making fun of anti-freedom, pro-mandate, unhinged, leftist, Fauci zealot nincompoops has NOT been declared a public "health" crisis. So I present to you this video.

It's an accurate portrayal of the people who demand you stick needles in your body for their own safety. I'm 99% sure it's a parody.

I'm pretty sure it's a parody. But are any of us really sure? We've seen people not only cancel their doctors for contradicting the media but brag about doing so as if they aren't the a**hole. A high school treated two students not wearing masks as if it was an active shooter situation. One unhinged specimen believes unmasked children could be biological weapons of mass destruction. It's well within reason to believe that Becky and Karen would see a barista not wearing a mask, get hopped up on a pumpkin spiced latte, and tell TikTok they hope everyone without a Fauci Ouchie dies a painful death. This video is a parody. The interwebs is lousy with videos that aren't.

We might not be free to talk about the maxine or why people are maxine-hesitant. But we can still laugh at crazy people obsessed with you getting your maxine. We have that going for us. For now.

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from Steven Crowder Says