Monday, September 20, 2021

Heartbreaking Video Shows Two-Year-Old in Day Care Being Forced to Comply with Democrat's Mask Mandate

Heartbreaking Video Shows Two-Year-Old in Day Care Being Forced to Comply with Democrat's Mask Mandate
Brodigan - September 20, 2021 at 07:06AM

Insert Link Last week, New York Governor Kathy Hochul decreed that all kids over the age of TWO YEARS OLD must wear a mask in school, day care, etc. You know, because of "the science." As opposed to actual science. Or common sense. Or the slightest bit of decency. No doubt the governor was inspired by Joe Biden's anti-science obsession with masking kids.

If you wanted to see the Democrat policy of mask mandates on two-year-olds in action, it's this video.

I want to be clear about something, because we see similar stories popping up frequently. The mother is not the hero here. If you stand there with your smartphone out filming grown-ass adults making your kid cry, you are not the hero. If you are more concerned with going viral on social media, even to "own the libs" or own the governor, you are not the hero. Your kid is being traumatized. Put the fucking phone down.

But the villains are anti-science politicians like Joe Biden and Kathy Hochul. The World Health Organization doesn't recommend masks on anyone under the age of five. That's batsh*t crazy enough. But not as batsh*t crazy as Democrats MANDATING masks on everyone over the age of TWO YEARS OLD. Democrats will claim they are following "the CDC" and call it following "the science," This is the same CDC whose "science" has been compromised by the teachers' unions. The same teachers' unions that give Democrats lots of money. I'm sensing a pattern.

Yet people like Joe Biden will see a video like this and blame the Americans he's "losing his patience with" for not getting v*ccinated. He'll attack people like Ron DeSantis for NOT thinking we should mask up two-year-olds. Kathy Hochul, Joe Biden, and the people who run Joe Biden will watch this video and blame everyone but themselves. This isn't about science or "the science." This is about control. Kathy Hochul, Joe Biden, and the people who run Biden are willing to use your kids as pawns for their agenda. When you see this video spread over Facebook and other social media platforms by friends and family members who are "shocked" by what they're seeing, make sure they know WHY they're seeing it.

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from Steven Crowder Says