Thursday, September 23, 2021

Practicing Doctor Highlights Issues of 'Leaky Vaccine' and how the Vaccinated Might Make COVID-19 ...Worse?

Practicing Doctor Highlights Issues of 'Leaky Vaccine' and how the Vaccinated Might Make COVID-19 ...Worse?
Courtney Kirchoff - September 23, 2021 at 04:54PM

Since "medical misinformation" and "the science" have rotating, ever-changing definitions, it's hard to say how the independent fact-checkers will rate the practicing doctor below. I say "practicing" only to distinguish Dr. Ryan Cole from Pope Anthony Fauci. Who has seen as many patients this year as I have. Dr. Cole, a Mayo Clinic trained pathologist, appeared on The Steve Deace Show to discuss some weird goings on with countries that have high vaccination rates and super high COVID spikes and hospitalizations. These countries have higher rates of COVID cases now than last year, prior to any "vaccines." All these scare quotes are scaring me too. But if the vaccine isn't behaving like a vaccine, then I'm not sure how else to punctuate it. Anyway, Steve Deace had Dr. Ryan Cole on to go over several anomalies in the data to explain what the data means. Hint: vaccines may not be the solution media and the left (but I repeat myself) proclaim.

from Steven Crowder Says