Thursday, September 23, 2021

'Can We All Stop Pretending?' Dan Crenshaw Exposes Joe Biden for NOT WANTING to End Border Crisis

'Can We All Stop Pretending?' Dan Crenshaw Exposes Joe Biden for NOT WANTING to End Border Crisis
Brodigan - September 23, 2021 at 08:03AM

You don't need two eyes to see that the current border crisis is what Joe Biden wants. Or, more specifically, the people who run Joe Biden. All Joe Biden wants is an extra scoop of chocolate chip, a nap, and to know who keeps pooping in his underpants. But Democrats campaigned on repealing Donald Trump's commonsense illegal immigration reform, which they started doing on January 21. We've had a border crisis since January 22. Congressman Dan Crenshaw says we should stop pretending this isn't what leftists want.

There is a version of this video on Crenshaw's Instagram page with cheesy music behind it. He's on an "appeal to the TikTok generation" kick. As an oldhead from the MySpace generation, I went with an old-fashioned YouTube video.

from Steven Crowder Says