Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Crazy Lady Thinks Your Unmasked Kids Are Just Like 'Deadly Biological Weapons'

Crazy Lady Thinks Your Unmasked Kids Are Just Like 'Deadly Biological Weapons'
Brodigan - September 28, 2021 at 09:01AM

You may have noticed that we here at the Louder with Crowder Dotcom Website have strong opinions about mask mandates. We don't like them. We really don't like them when it comes to masking up children in schools. Courtney and I are pro-science like that. Patriots speaking out against the authoritarian school mask mandates are some of our favorite content. But it's still important to present both sides of the argument. It's the only way to ensure that you, our readers, have all the information you need.

I present to you the pro-school mask mandate argument. Without mandates, our kids may turn into weapons of mass destruction.

Children are not just suffering and dying at greater rates right now, they're spreading COVID throughout the population at higher numbers.

Okay, obviously this broad is part of the HUGE MAJORITY of uniformed Democrats who think C*VID is a death sentence.

Here's the money quote:

People do not get to walk around shooting loaded firearms into crowds, and people are not entitled to turn themselves into deadly biological weapons spreading disease-laden aerosols wherever they choose randomly killing innocent people.

Let's not be too hard on this crazy lady. She might watch a lot of CNN. There is a chance she doesn't know the school mask mandates are less "the science" as much as they could be teachers' union thuggery. This mother (I'm assuming) might be a Joe Biden loyalist who believes our puddingheaded president when he says not to let your kids walk out your front door without being masked up. There are any number of misinformed reasons why she, in her brain, thought comparing unmasked kids to biological weapons helped make her point.

They aren't good reasons. But I'm assuming they exist.

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