Monday, September 27, 2021

Russell Brand 'Gobsmacked, Flabbergasted' to Discover Hillary Clinton Was Behind 'Russiagate' Hoax

Russell Brand 'Gobsmacked, Flabbergasted' to Discover Hillary Clinton Was Behind 'Russiagate' Hoax
Brodigan - September 27, 2021 at 12:54PM

Russell Brand is trying. Okay? The actor is trying. Once an avowed socialist, Brand, like everyone else on the planet, found himself with seventeen months (plus fifteen days to flatten the curve) to kill. He spent a lot of it seeing how the government and the media operate when you have the time to pay attention. Suddenly, the red pills start popping. He's speaking out about Big Tech censorship and the disdain the left has about the middle class. We win by addition instead of subtraction. Happy to have him on our team-ish. If for no other reason than to discuss how hysterical and criminally underrated Get Him to the Greek is.

But the way this clip is framed is pretty funny. Russell Brand is blown away by the news that Russiagate, the investigation that was used to impeach Trump, was not only a hoax, it was concocted by Hillary Clinton and her acolytes.

“Think about how much media you watched," the actor and podcaster stated. Brand also points out how he's a liberal and not a Trump supporter or Republican, before adding, "I find myself in awe, gobsmacked, flabbergasted, and startled by these revelations that 'Russiagate' was a Democratic conspiracy."

Here's the thing. The tweet frames the clip as "LOL, look at the lib." But Brand is right. Not being a political junkie at the time, he would have no way of knowing the jive about Trump and Russia was bupkis. People should be allowed to rely on the news. Brand has a job and a family. Most people only catch headlines: "Trump Impeached After Russia Investigation." We're not supposed to have to do our own investigating and our own vetting of the media.

Russell Brand one day, just like me and just like many of you reading this, discovered how dishonest the media has become. Also, how in bed it is with Democrats and the Big Tech companies. Russiagate is his example of a story that he thought was true and had no reason to believe otherwise. Until he found out the truth. He's not "shocked" by finding out Russiagte was a hoax. He's pointing to an example of a story he learned wasn't what he thought it was.

Welcome to the team, Russell Brand. Karaoke is on Tuesday nights, and we always have punch and pie at our meetings.

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from Steven Crowder Says