Friday, September 24, 2021

Leftist Students Harass White Students with So Much Racism You'll Want to Defund College

Leftist Students Harass White Students with So Much Racism You'll Want to Defund College
Courtney Kirchoff - September 24, 2021 at 11:36AM

College sure has gotten insane in the past twenty years. It was not the cesspit it is now when I walked through the halls of higher learning all the way back in 2002-2005. The video below was taken, on purpose, by the same student of color who harassed two young white dudes just sitting to study while being white. That was the crux of their crime. Well, that and daring to have a pro-police sticker on a laptop. We all know how stickers are violence. The video wasn't posed by the same person, it was obviously sourced somewhere and posted by a third party. Still. This level derangement has to be seen to be believed.

from Steven Crowder Says