Tuesday, September 21, 2021

No, Border Patrol Didn't 'Whip' Migrants at the Border, but the Media Doesn't Care

No, Border Patrol Didn't 'Whip' Migrants at the Border, but the Media Doesn't Care
Brodigan - September 21, 2021 at 08:47AM

News broke on Monday that Border Patrol agents were whipping Haitians along our southern border. The story was bullplop. But it validated the left's worldview of illegal immigration and people who don't like illegal immigration. So it was what the media reported. Because the media is full of leftists who don't like people who don't like illegal immigration. Or, really, people who have a different opinion than them about anything.

We've covered the over 10,000 and growing number of Haitian migrants around the Texas border. Senator Ted Cruz reported on it. The Democrat mayor of Del Rio called out Joe Biden for ignoring it. Jen Psaki said "new border crisis, who dis?" Amid the chaos, the following was tweeted out.

At the same time, this article was tweeted out:

Sawyer Hackett is the executive director of Julian Castro's PAC. Castro is a pro-amnesty leftist politician who failed at running for president last year. VICE is a left-wing rag. If the executive director of a Steven Miller PAC shared claims made by Breitbart News, the media would ask questions. Or cry misinformation. Instead, the media ran with the misinformation since it validated what they already believed. As did the Joe Biden White House.

It wasn't until a conservative reporter asked questions that there was a response from Border Patrol. The "whip-like" cord was a rein. As in, what you use when you are riding horses. Border Patrol issues this statement:

"Agents use their reins for a lot of reasons. Primarily it's used to steer the horse, but agents will also spin them sometimes to deter people from getting too close to the horse. If they get to close, the horse can step on them, breaking bones, or causing other injuries. Agents also need to maintain control of their reins so they don't lose control of the horse, which can cause injury to the immigrants, the agents, and the horses.

This statement was shared throughout Twitter, the social media platform everyone in the news swears by and spends every waking hour on. Even IF every single person working at a particular news outlet missed it, there was enough time for the evening news to reach out and get their own statement. Instead:

When the "mainstream" media cries that conservatives spread misinformation, remember this story as Exhibit Q as what passes for mainstream reporting. At best the mainstream media is just lazy. At worst, they don't care and know there are no consequences.

UPDATE: To further make the point, this just came out.

DHS had debunked this easily debunked story. Then the Biden Admin decided they could get more mileage running with the misinformation.

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