Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Jordan Peterson: Actually, No, DON'T 'Trust the Science' When it Comes to Politicians and Lockdowns

Jordan Peterson: Actually, No, DON'T 'Trust the Science' When it Comes to Politicians and Lockdowns
Brodigan - September 21, 2021 at 06:13PM

"Trust the science" gets thrown around by leftists a lot. Not trust science. Trust "the" science. It's a nice way for leftists to tell you to trust whatever they want you to trust that week and be sanctimonious about it. When it comes to politicians telling you to trust "the science," Jordan Peterson says no. Don't do that.

He sat down with the bossman to go into detail about why not.

Bill Maher Cuts Through The Media's COVID DELUSIONS | Louder With Crowder youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says