Thursday, September 30, 2021

Marjorie Taylor Green Says of Pelosi: 'We're going to kick that bitch out of congress!'

Marjorie Taylor Green Says of Pelosi: 'We're going to kick that bitch out of congress!'
Courtney Kirchoff - September 30, 2021 at 12:08PM

Women do not need to support other women simply because they're women. Just as men are not expected to support other men simply because they're men. The "women support women" concept is an annoying idea that I've always hated and think should shoot itself in the face. Women should support good ideas, be competitive in the workplace even against other women, and shouldn't shy away from confrontation against men or other women. You feminist trolls in the back hear me? Good. Let's move on to the point now. Marjorie Taylor Green from Georgia delivered a short but sweet little message to Madam Speaker Pelosi which is not necessarily classy, but neither is Pelosi. You'll want the volume on for this.

"I just want to say to Nancy Pelosi. She's a hypocrite. She's an anti-American. And we're gonna kick that bitch out of Congress."

Hell to the yeah.

Let's note Green is delivering this little speech not on the floor of Congress. Just as you wouldn't wear a string bikini to a five star restaurant, so you would refrain from calling the Speaker of the House a raving lunatic bitch in the House of Representatives. But Green isn't in the House of Representatives when she called Pelosi a bitch. She's at a campaign event. Her campaign event. Her place, her rules.

What other insult best describes The Pelositron 5000 better than bitch? I mean words you can say aloud. Yeah I can't think of anything else either. Bitch is an appropriate term for Pelosi, and I'm exercising my female privilege to both agree with Green and stamp this rallying cry with the Kirchoff Approval Brand.

One woman calling another woman a bitch is just as sexist as one man calling another man an asshole. Meaning it's not a sexist attack. It's an attack, sure. But insults usually are gendered. When was the last time you heard a lady call another lady an asshole, and when was the last time you heard a man call a man a "bitch"? He may have called the other man a "little bitch" or said "you're acting like a little bitch" but typically, men folk like to use their own gendered insults for each other.

Keep it up, Green.

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