Saturday, September 25, 2021

Joe Biden Warns India PM Not to Take Any Questions from Press

Joe Biden Warns India PM Not to Take Any Questions from Press
Brodigan - September 25, 2021 at 10:12AM

The instinct in watching a clip like this is to ask "what if Trump said it?" It's understandable. "What if Trump said it" is an implied question in most Joe Biden coverage. But I have to admit, I'm begrudgingly admiring the chutzpah here. Not admiring Biden himself. Our pudding-headed president can send an aide out to collect every last d*ck in Logan Circle, throw them in a bag, and swallow it whole. Then have that aide change his underpants. But the lack of respect Biden and the White House have for reporters is the source of much amusement. The Biden Admin knows the White House press corps (except for DOOCY) is there to be Biden's stenographers. The admin then proceeds to abuse the press knowing they'll keep coming back for more.

Earlier in the week, there was an incident where UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson took questions. I guess in the UK, world leaders do that. It made Biden look stupid. So yesterday, while meeting with India PM Narendra Modi, Biden was prepared. He told his fellow head of state not to answer any questions because the questions would all suck ass anyway.

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