Saturday, September 18, 2021

AOC Continues Whining About Her Haters, Uses Dictionary to Defend 'Tax the Rich' Dress-Ghazi

AOC Continues Whining About Her Haters, Uses Dictionary to Defend 'Tax the Rich' Dress-Ghazi
Brodigan - September 18, 2021 at 07:58AM

Social media influencer Rep. AOC won't shut up about her "tax the rich" dress. To be more precise with my language, she won't shut up about those of us who made fun of her for it. In case you slept late on Tuesday, Rep. AOC showed up at the Met Gala in a dress that had the words "Tax the Rich" on her rump. The Met Gala is a $30,000-a-ticket elitist fundraiser for a museum. Social media influencer Rep. AOC thought she was making a statement about tax policy and/or the working class. Everyone who isn't a Rep. AOC stan made fun of her for it.

Four days later, she is still whining. Only now she has a dictionary and her super-smart glasses!

So, you know, I'm hearing some folks, especially the right-wing, having this critique about Monday --

If you click through the tweet, John Gage has all of her other complaints. She posted this on Friday, four days after Tax-the-Rich-Dress-gateghazipalooza. Most of us on the "right-wing" pointed out how silly she is Tuesday morning and moved on with our lives. Rep. AOC hasn't. But, whatever. She's rolling.

-- isn't it ironic that she showed up in a "tax the Rich" dress and I think we need to go back to literary class a bit. The definition of irony is the use of words that are the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be funny.

"Ironic" is one of the most misused words next to "literally." Like, is it ironic that this champion of the working class may have stolen the "tax the rich" design from a struggling single mother? I don't know anymore. I blame the pop culture we grew up with for confusing the definition.

Rep. AOC wasn't being funny. Not intentionally. Cheap stunts designed so people pay attention to you and lavish you with praise isn't irony. Looking for the approval of celebrities so that they pat you on the head and say "that's cute" isn't irony either. Any unintentional humor comes from the super cool social media influencer's earnestness and utter lack of self-awareness. That's why we all had ourselves a hearty chuckle. Then we moved on.

Rep. AOC wearing a Tax the Rich dress to an elitist fundraiser full of elitists she wants the approval of was many things. But it wasn't ironic. Okay, she has us there. Sick burn, slay kween!

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