Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Gens. Milley, McKenzie Twist Themselves in Pretzels to Avoid Saying Joe Biden Lied About Afghanistan

Gens. Milley, McKenzie Twist Themselves in Pretzels to Avoid Saying Joe Biden Lied About Afghanistan
Brodigan - September 28, 2021 at 01:30PM

This is a follow-up to Courtney's post from this morning. It was reported at the beginning of Joe Biden's Afghanistan debacle that the experts suggested keeping 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. Biden, during his train wreck of an interview with George Stephanopoulos, said that wasn't true. Biden said no one suggested he keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. And that keeping 2,500 troops in Afghanistan would prevent the fall of Afghanistan. Presumably, the thirteen service members who died in a terror attack would still be alive too.

Flash forward to this morning. CENTCOM Commander Kenneth McKenzie and Trump admin Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley both TESTIFIED UNDER OATH that Joe Biden WAS told about keeping 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. That is the exact opposite of what Joe Biden said. Someone is lying. The two generals are under oath. Must be Biden, right? Senator Dan Sullivan gave the generals the opportunity to confirm that obvious conclusion. Instead, the two generals responded, "New hearing aids, who dis?"

Bruh. When even the liberal Huffington Post is calling what Biden said an "invalid truth"...

I'm not naive. Joe Biden will never be held unaccountable. As I write this, Jen Psaki just started spinning in front of the White House press corps. Hopefully, we get DOOCY Time today to make her uncomfortable. It's up to the voters to hold Biden accountable during the midterms and then in 2024. After that, President DeSantis can decide what he wants to do.

But Joe Biden lied. It may have only been to a reporter, but it wast still a lie. And it calls into question everything else he's said to try to defend his incompetence.

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