Friday, September 24, 2021

Police Being Sent Door to Door to Question Citizens Suspected of Attending Lockdown Protests. Guess Where?

Police Being Sent Door to Door to Question Citizens Suspected of Attending Lockdown Protests. Guess Where?
Brodigan - September 24, 2021 at 07:46AM

"The US has no closer ally than Australia." - Joe Biden, this week.

In any other country, police going door-to-door with printouts of your social media history would be disturbing. In Australia, it barely cracks the top five. America still needs to pay attention. Because if you think this can't happen here, you aren't paying attention to the pro-lockdown, pro-pandemic leftists. People who see what Australia is doing to its citizens and have soggy dreams about it.

For perspective, we've seen Austalia authorities pull someone out of their car and arrest them over the protests. That was a protest organizer. This is police preemptively warning people not to attend protests based on things they've said online.

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