Monday, September 27, 2021

Chief 'Health' Official: If You are Sick but Don't Get a C*VID Test, We're Saying You Have C*VID Anyway

Chief 'Health' Official: If You are Sick but Don't Get a C*VID Test, We're Saying You Have C*VID Anyway
Brodigan - September 27, 2021 at 10:03AM

We need to find common ground in the pandemic and/or public "health" crisis. Maybe it's too late when we're seventeen months past fifteen days to flatten the curve, but let's give it a shot. We, the normies, will agree to listen to science. We may even be open to "the science." But only if the people who self-identify as "the science" STOP F*CKING LYING TO US! Exhibit Q is Alberta Chief Health Officer Deena Hinshaw.

Hinshaw said, during a press conference updating people of the C*VID case count, that the case count isn't accurate. At least, not if you believe in things like numbers or data.

And I quote: "We do have that framework where schools, if they see that there are an increased number of children who are ill because of respiratory illness -- or teachers or staff -- they can work with Alberta health services. In some ways that is adding an additional layer of protection. Because, if individuals choose to not get tested for COVID but are home with an illness, they're now counted in the list as being part of that outbreak."

Alberta is in Canada. This is the same country where other leaders have called for a ban of public gatherings, because you may spread "misinformation" when talking to your friends. At one point, there were camps for people who disobeyed. Police will show up if your neighbor snitches that you have more than six people over. And the safest way to have safe sex during C*VID is to use "glory holes." If you don't know what those are, Google it.

By the way, this is the same lady.

As I understand what she's saying if you have a cough or a temperature — common symptoms to ALMOST EVERYTHING — but you don't get tested when told to, the government will put you down as C*VID positive in the case total. Then, they'll use that case total to determine if schools can be open or what other "restrictions" are "needed." They are counting things that may not be C*VID as CC*VID. Doing it that way, the case total will never go down. That means the restrictions could never stop.

I know it's considered a conspiracy theory to say never-ending restrictions are "the plan." When the "health" officials are saying out loud that their numbers are bubkis, it only makes the "conspiracy theory" more valid.

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from Steven Crowder Says