Monday, September 27, 2021

Lady Makes Dog Choose Between Salad and Meat, Gets Embarrassed When Dog Shows Who Has Brains in the Family

Lady Makes Dog Choose Between Salad and Meat, Gets Embarrassed When Dog Shows Who Has Brains in the Family
Brodigan - September 27, 2021 at 08:54AM

Dogs are better than people. I know. You are shocked to hear this website take such a controversial opinion. In related hot takes: rain is wet, the sky is blue, and Joe Biden is a dementia-riddled, puddingbrained nincompoop. People love their furbabies. It's why women will fight off bears if they think their pooches are at risk. It's why Australia can choke on recycled canine testicles for putting dog downs to prevent people from rescuing them. You see, rescuing the dogs would mean leaving your home, and Australia is under a public "health" order. It's a whole thing.

Dogs rule. People, not so much. With that settled, here's a video of a silly lady and her "vegetarian" dog. (h/t Outkick)

My favorite part is how she tried affecting the outcome with her pro-vegetable bias. She went out of her way to inform her audience how delicious the salad looked and how disgusting the meat-based dog food looked. Her HUMAN audience. Who I would like to think does not eat dog food by choice. I'm carnivore AF, and even I would choose the salad over Alpo. But while the lady tried to convince humans, it didn't work on the dog. Outside the dog's name, the words "walk" or "car," or the sound of a doorbell, I don't know many dogs who speak human.

The only thing I'm confused by is why this woman, after her failed experiment, would upload the video to share her embarrassment. There's a chance I'm getting trolled, which would make me the one without the brains. Fair play if that's the case. Most likely, she sent the video to a few friends. One of those friends was kind enough to upload this person being outsmarted by a dog. They must have known we'd all be easily amused by it. Cheers to that guy!

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