Monday, September 20, 2021

Mike Rowe Wrecks Joe Biden Over His 'My Patience Is Wearing Thin' Speech

Mike Rowe Wrecks Joe Biden Over His 'My Patience Is Wearing Thin' Speech
Brodigan - September 20, 2021 at 08:02AM

Mike Rowe was sitting in an airport, bored, as one might find themselves in the same situation. To relieve the boredom, Rowe opened up Facebook and, in his folksy, everyman way, disemboweled Joe Biden for being a chucklehead. Why did Mike Rowe do this? Because he loves us.

The post starts as most Rowe posts do, with him responding to a correspondence. Only for a change, he wasn't responding to a hater. He was responding to a scientist who acknowledged Rowe has made salient points about v*cc*nes and the pandemic. Specifically, the scientist referenced this post, where Rowe disemboweled some nincompoop from an anti-Trump site. I recommend reading the full post at your leisure. We're here to focus on Rowe's bars about Biden.

Our puddingheaded president attempted to address v*cc*ne hesitancy by attacking 80,000,000 Americans. This was the infamous "my patience is wearing thin" speech. Rowe says if Biden needs someone to blame for people not getting shots in their arms, Biden should look in the mirror.

Last week, as I'm sure you're aware, moments after assuring the country that the vaccines he and millions of others have taken are "incredibly effective," President Biden said, "We must now protect the vaccinated workers from the unvaccinated workers." You don't have to be a scientist to hear a message like that and pose a couple of very reasonable queries. 1) If the vaccines are effective, why do the vaccinated need to be protected from the unvaccinated? And 2) If the vaccines are not effective, then why should the unvaccinated get one?

It's remarkable how many pro-the science people don't realize how that sounds to normies. The American people should know that the science says they are safe if they get a Fauci Ouchie. But even though they got a Fauci Ouchie and should be safe, they are unsafe because of people who didn't get their Fauci Ouchie. So sayeth "the science." Biden and/or the people who run Biden wonder why people aren't rushing out to stick needles in their arms.

Our fully vaccinated President still supports a travel ban that keeps my vaccinated friends overseas from reentering the country. Why? He still wears a mask in public – even when he's outdoors. Why? Last week, President Biden could have congratulated all vaccinated Americans for getting back to living their lives without fear. Instead, he got angry. He literally accused the unvaccinated of "standing in the way of protecting the large majority of Americans who have done their part and want to get back to life as normal." In short, Joe Biden doesn't appear to be living his life any differently than he did before getting vaccinated.

I'd argue Biden doesn't do that for the same reason Biden gets off on abusing two-year-olds who don't want to wear a mask. They don't want to get back to normal. It's unclear whether Biden himself is the one who doesn't wasn't to get back to normal or if it's the people who control him. But it's clear that never getting back to normal is the plan. Biden telegraphed it last week when he called the pandemic a good excuse to remake our economy.

You don't have to be a scientist to see what's going on. Just start living your life and getting back to normal on your own.

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