Thursday, September 23, 2021

DOOCY Asks Psaki: Why Should Texans Risk C*VID from Illegal Migrants and Joe Biden's Border Crisis?

DOOCY Asks Psaki: Why Should Texans Risk C*VID from Illegal Migrants and Joe Biden's Border Crisis?
Brodigan - September 23, 2021 at 01:02PM

Joe Biden says you should wear a mask and your kids should never NOT wear masks. If you haven't gotten a Fauci Ouchie, you should be barred from being out in public. Any American who hasn't done what they're told and continued to live in fear of the public "health" crisis is a bad person. Illegals illegally crossing the border? Meh. The White House looks the other way like when that familiar stink starts protruding from the president's underpants. A reporter finally asked about it. Of course, that reporter was DOOCY.

Don't think there wasn't plenty of lying about Haitians and horses as well. Courtney has you covered there. We're here because DOOCY challenged Psaki on hypocrisy. And all Psaki could say is "yeah, but there's a process." THE PROCESS IS THE PROBLEM, you twit. (h/t to Curtis Houck from Newsbusters who is a godsend getting these clips out)

As the questioning went on and the White House soulessspokesginger ran out of excuses, she went to Democrats' favorite tactic. Calling the person asking questions an -ist. No doubt, that is what they'll be reporting on Psaki stan networks like TikTok and CNN. Here's the actual clip.

Please don't get it twisted, I am pro-science. Not "the science," but science. I have yet to see a peer-reviewed scientific study explaining why five-year-olds can give each other COVID in the lunch room, yet there is no risk from Central Americans illegally crossing the border. Or how a v*cc*nated person is more at risk from an unv*cc*nated person than they are from some dude living under a bridge with an unknown v*cc*nation status. It's almost as if none of this is about the science. It's almost as if the border crisis is happening exactly as planned as well.

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