Saturday, September 25, 2021

DOOCY Hammers Mayorkas on Fake News of Whipgate, Mayorkas Responds with Pure Word Vomit

DOOCY Hammers Mayorkas on Fake News of Whipgate, Mayorkas Responds with Pure Word Vomit
Brodigan - September 25, 2021 at 07:10AM

We end the week with the White House still lying about horsewhipghazigatepalooza. Yeah, I know. There is video evidence that the White House is lying about the photos. The activist douche who started this admits it was misinformation. But this is the same White House who wouldn't stop lying about Georgia's voter bill, so why change now? It's not like 99.86% of the press will ever hold them responsible. Some of the White House reporters are the ones pushing the misinformation. But not DOOCY!

DOOCY asked a few questions of Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas. Mayorkas is the chucklehead overseeing Joe Biden's border crisis. Mayorkas had originally defended the border agents for doing their jobs. Then he got the new talking points and stated the agents were systematically RAAAAAAACISST. DOOCY wants to know, "what's up with that?"

I see. So, at best, Mayorkas -- actually, I'll be a jerk and call him MayorkASS -- who is the head of a federal agency in the United States of America, made a statement without having all the facts in. That's if we take MayorkASS at his word that he spoke without seeing the photos. Now the secretary has seen the photos and he theoretically has the same facts we do in front of him. That means at worst, MayorkASS has all the information and is lying anyway. Because this is the Joe Biden administration. And Joe Biden will throw Joe Biden's border patrol agents under the bus to save Joe Biden's agenda.

MayorkASS is not concerned with the integrity of an investigation -- that could destroy the lives of federal employees -- to appease an outrage mob. Law Enforcement Officials are being thrown under the bus because the Biden Administration doesn't have the balls to stand up to liberal activists and the media (but I repeat myself) and say, "Stop lying."

Joe Biden needs to save face. MayorkASS needs to save face. A handful of LEOs who happened to be working a shift when a photo was taken are the ones being held responsible. These are the people running our country.

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from Steven Crowder Says