Thursday, September 23, 2021

'Dear People' Brings Liberals'  Vaccine Mandate to Its True (and Hilarious) Conclusion

'Dear People' Brings Liberals'  Vaccine Mandate to Its True (and Hilarious) Conclusion
Brodigan - September 23, 2021 at 01:42PM

Let this video serve as a palate cleanser for the week. Courtney and I have been ranting about the border crisis all day, I figured we could also use a break with something that isn't as serious: vaccine hesitancy. If you follow "the science" closely (not to be confused with "science"), you know that getting an arm jab is your utmost patriotic duty. It's why Joe Biden's patience is wearing thin with so many of you. You can't survive the 'rona without getting the Faucie Ouchie. But, you also can't survive if other people don't get the Fauci Ouchie. Even though you got yours. Allow this dude to explain:

It's hard to make sense of it unless you believe in "the science." Or, if you think about it for an extended period of time. You need your shot to be safe. But you need other people to get their shot so that you can be safe. It's why this gentleman came to the only logical conclusion.

"If you're not vaccinated ... you're racist."

Ackshually, Black Lives Matter would like a word with you about that. But the overall point is still taken!

One thing I can't figure out though. There are liberals who will watch this video, not appreciate the humor, and claim this is misinformation. There are other liberals who will watch this video, not get the humor, and agree with this guy that unvaxxxinated people are raaaaaaacist. Between those two groups, I'm not sure who I'd least want to be stuck in a conversation with.

I'll probably just start coughing a lot and say I can't taste anything.

from Steven Crowder Says