Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Construction Workers Rise Up Against Australian Lockdown Restrictions and the Footage Is Intense

Construction Workers Rise Up Against Australian Lockdown Restrictions and the Footage Is Intense
Brodigan - September 22, 2021 at 08:01AM

Australians have had enough. Or, some Australians have had enough. Somewhere between mandatory tracking apps, corporate-sponsored "health" detention centers, and being told to register with the government to visit family, citizens had had enough with the country's authoritarian lockdown orders. That includes mandatory v*cc*ne laws. It all goes into the same authoritarian goulash.

When forced to choose between freedom and not catching a virus with a 99%+ survival rate, some Aussies are choosing freedom. Particularly construction workers.

What set it off was new restrictions calling for construction sites to be shut down again. The Daily Mail adds that "construction workers will be required to show evidence that they've had their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, tea rooms will be forced to shut and travel between Melbourne and the regions for work will be banned." Funny thing about work? People need to do it.

The media has gotten marching orders to blame "right-wing extremists" for encouraging the protests happening in Australia. Let's take a moment to appreciate this. The freedom to work, earn a living, support your family, make your own medical choices, and live your best life is now considered "right-wing extremism." You are a right-wing extremist if you disagree with or disobey a centralized government. This is where the planet is at right now.

Here's the great thing about these protests. Something I think Americans need to pay attention to. Those are A LOT of construction workers for none of them to have gotten their arm jab. That means there are people who got shots marching with people who chose not to get shots. It's not the v*cc*nated vs. the unv*cc*nated, as world leaders, especially Joe Biden, want it to be. It's people who believe in freedom vs. people who are content being ruled over by their government.

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