Sunday, September 19, 2021

AOC's 'Tax the Rich' Dress? The Designer Owes $100k in Taxes, Allegedly Runs Sweatshop of Unpaid Interns

AOC's 'Tax the Rich' Dress? The Designer Owes $100k in Taxes, Allegedly Runs Sweatshop of Unpaid Interns
Brodigan - September 19, 2021 at 09:15AM

Social media influencer Rep. AOC is super upset at you making fun of her 'Tax the Rich' dress. So much so, she looked up the word 'irony" to own her haters. The influencer who has a side hustle as a member of Congress should look up "hypocrite." According to the New York Post, dress designer Aurora James is a tax deadbeat who is accused of running a sweatshop. Yes. The woman who designed a dress with the words "Tax the Rich" on the back -- with a design she may have stolen from a single mother -- owes the government over $100,000 in taxes.

In New York State, the Cultural Brokerage Agency (parent company of James's design brand) was hit with 15 warrants since 2015. On the federal level, they were hit with six tax liens over the course of a year totaling $103,200. The company is accused of taking employee payroll taxes out of paychecks, but NOT sending the money to the federal government. The same federal government Rep. AOC has her side hustle in.

That's not even the worst part. Nor is the accusation of James being a rent deadbeat. Nor is what The Post called a "habitual nonpayment of worker benefits." To recap, social media influencer and alleged champion of the working class Rep. AOC wore a dress James designed. James, according to The Post, is accused of running "a sweatshop that relied on legions of unpaid interns working full-time jobs." That's not very pro-working class.

One ex-staffer says they experienced a lot of harassment: "Aurora would ask me to do things that were not in anyone's job description, like scheduling her gynecological appointments. The work environment was so hostile that I was afraid to ask for my check."

That staffer got fired. A second staffer called James "quite cold" adding "she never gives recognition or acknowledgment to her team."

It's important to look at stories such as this from all angles. So here is a documentary Vogue released of Rep. AOC and James getting all gussied up for the $30,000-a-ticket Met Gala.

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