Sunday, September 26, 2021

Joe Biden's DHS Head Opposes Building Wall, Calls Illegally Crossing Border 'One of Our Proudest Traditions'

Joe Biden's DHS Head Opposes Building Wall, Calls Illegally Crossing Border 'One of Our Proudest Traditions'
Brodigan - September 26, 2021 at 10:17AM

Exhibit Q why Joe Biden's border crisis is less "crisis" as much as working as designed. Joe Biden Secretary of Homeland Security -- of HOMELAND SECURITY -- Alejandro Mayorkas was on the Sunday shows. No doubt, to promote the Biden Admninitration's lies about border agents and horses. Chris Wallace noted that there sure are a lot of illegal migrants crossing the border lately. Mayorkas responded, "you bet your sweet bippy there are!"

"It is the policy of this administration, we don't agree with the building of the wall. The law provides that individuals can make a claim for humanitarian relief. That is actually one of our proudest traditions."

He's talking about people looking for "asylum." You and I and anyone who isn't an open borders leftist twat knows that means illegal immigration. Unless, of course, you believe everyone pouring across the border has legitimate claims of asylum. Even after Democrats change the definition of "asylum." With Del Rio, that now means 12,000 people in America "temporarily." Mayorkas swears all 12,000 are totally going to return for their hearings. As opposed to the 50,000 other illegal migrants they can't find. The Biden Admin has also lost thousands of unaccompanied minors.

Side note: the "temporarily" is why, if you're concerned about unv*cc*nated C*VID cases running around, Jen Psaki says you can suck it.

Our southern border under Joe Biden is a mess. Illegal immigration is worse than it's ever been. But we should consider a word other than "crisis." "Crisis" implies this isn't exactly what Joe Biden (and/or the people who control him) wants.

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