Saturday, September 18, 2021

Nicki Minaj Exposes Media, Blasts Reporter Threatening to Dox Her Cousin, Friend with the Swollen Testicles

Nicki Minaj Exposes Media, Blasts Reporter Threatening to Dox Her Cousin, Friend with the Swollen Testicles
Brodigan - September 18, 2021 at 09:19AM

Let's get this out of the way. You should NOT make medical decisions based on celebrities. Now, that includes celebrities telling you to stick a needle in your arm because "the science" says we're hashtag all in this together. It also includes celebrities telling stories about cousin's friend's testicles. Consult a doctor, not a singer. What follows has nothing to do with a certain v-word. It does however have to do with Nicki Minaj.

To recap, the pop star tweeted a story about her cousin's friend (allegedly) getting the v-word and having his testicles (allegedly) swole up. The left and the media (but I repeat myself) went bananas because Nicki Minaj is both a celebrity and a minority. She was saying something that wasn't approved by the left or the media. It's been an eye-opening experience for Minaj, and an example of how so many people get red-pilled. She found out what the left really thinks about people who look like her. Now she knows what scumbags people in the media are. A reporter threatened to dox her cousin over his friend's (alleged) swollen balls,

A reporter for The Guardian, after harassing her cousin, said: "Just letting you know, CNN is in the country looking for you. And when they find you, they won't hesitate to reveal where you live or where your girlfriend lives ... anything to anyone who is tied to you. If you speak to me, we won't reveal those details."

Nicki Minaj was less than amused and said that the media was forcing her family into hiding. She adds: "This is what speaking up looks like. Millions of poor people are treated this way by the people you think are the good guys. This is unconscionable."

Minaj then went on to dox the reporters to give them a taste of their own medicine. I will not be sharing that part of her Instagram story. This is the Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website. Big Tech has strict rules against sites like us doing that. As opposed to CNN, which doxxes people over and over and over and over again.

The excuse is that Nicki Minaj has a big platform and we're in the middle of a public "health" "crisis." It's the same excuse the left and the media (but I repeat myself) uses for lying about Joe Rogan taking horse dewormer. If not for the public "health" "crisis," they'll just have another excuse. Or call something else a public health crisis. That much has been made clear for the past seventeen months plus fifteen days to flatten the curve.

Nicki Minaj's fans should NOT take medical advice from her cousin's friend. Period. I'm just grateful the singer is using her platform to expose who the left and the media are.

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