Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Not Just College Football: Rockstar Leads Massive Audience in Chanting 'F*** Joe Biden'

Not Just College Football: Rockstar Leads Massive Audience in Chanting 'F*** Joe Biden'
Brodigan - September 28, 2021 at 04:34PM

Friends, take a bow. Come get your roses. Pour yourself a little of the good bourbon. Because we did it! The 'F*ck Joe Biden' chants are no longer just for college football. The patriotic dissent and coordinated clapping found their way to rock n' roll shows. Or, I guess maybe country shows. Some of you might fact-check me and say Aaron Lewis is really a country artist. I'm an oldhead and he's always going to be the lead singer of Staind for me. The acoustic version of "Outside" still gets me in the feels.

Whether you identify Lewis as a little bit country or a little bit rock and roll, the important thing is that he hates our puddingheaded president. As did, fans at a recent Pennsylvania concert. Aaron heard people trying to get #FJB going. So he stopped what he was doing and helped the audience coordinate.

Aaron Lewis made news this year with his #1 hit "Am I the Only One." Leftists tried getting him canceled because the lyrics didn't praise the glory of socialism. Those leftists failed at doing so. Lewis joins cats like John Ondrasik (of Five for Fighting Fame) as mainstream artists who are willing to speak out about how terrible Joe Biden is at being president.

For a while on Tuesday, F Joe Biden was one of the top trends on Twitter. The highest I saw was ranked #4. Which, again, contrary to what you may have heard, it's not only Saturday that's for the #FJB chants!

In summary, be sure to catch Aaron Lewis when he comes to your town. And as the old saying goes, never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.

Also, f*ck Joe Biden.

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