Monday, September 27, 2021

Those Border Patrol Agents Biden Demonized? The TX Governor Just Offered them Jobs!

Those Border Patrol Agents Biden Demonized? The TX Governor Just Offered them Jobs!
Courtney Kirchoff - September 27, 2021 at 01:45PM

This is how it's done. After the packing peanut in chief, former Vice President Joe Biden, threw his own border patrol agents under the bus for the simple crime of taking a bad photo with their equine partners, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas rolled in with a job offer. Appearing on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Greg Abbott said of the border patrol agents in Del Rio:

"Several quick points. First, they wouldn't have been in that situation had the Biden administration enforce the immigration laws and secured the border in the first place. Second, as you know, Chris, the person who took those pictures said that the characterization that the Democrats have made about the Border Patrol using them as whips, whipping people who were coming across the border is false. They were simply maneuvering horses.

But the last thing I will tell you is what the president said, going after the Border Patrol, who were risking their lives and working so hard to try to secure the border, if he takes any action against them whatsoever, I have worked side-by-side with those Border Patrol agents. I want them to know something. If they are at risk of losing their job at (ph) a president who is abandoning his duty to secure the border, you have a job in the state of Texas. I will hire you to help Texas secure our border."

Let's go through this point by point:

1. Border patrol wouldn't have been in this position at all had there been a big beautiful wall on the Mexico/American border. As a reminder, Democrats don't want the wall. Nothing is more impartial or less racist than a wall. Did you see the looks on some of those horses' long faces? Pure hatred for brown people. Let's compromise and paint giant smiley faces on the Mexico facing side of the wall to make up for horses that throw shade.

2. Border patrol didn't even use whips. Even the photographer who took the Whipgate photo confirms that no whip was used. Video has also confirmed it. But once a narrative picks up steam, not even a naked celebrity's breasticles can stop it.

3. Border patrol were already in Del Rio, Texas. If it were me, if I took the bad photograph where my horse's nostrils were flaring and fire was shooting out of its eyes and murdering poor Haitian "refugees" I wouldn't even wait to get canned by Biden. I'd just leave. Probably wouldn't even have to move. I'd be planning my resignation letter looking for as many professional euphemisms for "f*ck you and the horse you rode in on" as possible.

It's like that expression: when one door closes, throw your whip reins through a window and GTFO.

from Steven Crowder Says