Tuesday, September 21, 2021

150k Dutch People Protest Restrictions with Rave, Funky Dance Moves. Media...?

150k Dutch People Protest Restrictions with Rave, Funky Dance Moves. Media...?
Courtney Kirchoff - September 21, 2021 at 04:20PM

Maybe it's just harder to tear gas a group that's just obeying the order to "play that funky music, white boy." That's the conclusion I drew after watching this pretty delightful scene of a hoard of Dutch folk getting jiggy with it somewhere in the Netherlands.

I don't know how you can watch that and not smile. As I told Brodigan after he texted it to me: "What people gotta white." I can say that, I'm white and not a great dancer. We can still laugh at ourselves, it's okay.

This is still a protest, mind you. There's no rule that says protests have to be miserable affairs, as is happening in the southern crap hole of Australia. The Dutch made their's full of fun and frivolity.

Peter Sweden, a Swedish journalist according to his Twitter bio (I see what he did there), also had this to say:

Depends on how we're defining media's job, yeah? If you believe it's the media's job to report the news, then maybe. If you believe it's media's job to craft a narrative, I'd say job well done.

Media here and abroad want the people to fear COVID-19. Even though they don't seem to fear COVID-19. As we've discussed more times than you probably wanted to discuss, fear is used to control people. If word gets out the people are not afraid and aren't being controlled, well that will just inspire more people to find their courage. Elites can't have that, now can they?

Peter Sweden from Sweden should know that his country's name has virtually disappeared from the media's world map. Sweden didn't shutdown or mandate anything other than common sense. Their curve flattened without flattening freedom. Therein lies the smelly meatballs. Or whatever the Dutch nom nom with regularity.

The goal for most countries' leaders is to flatten freedom entirely. So no words of protests can be spoken. Or... danced.

We'll do our best here at LWC to spread the word that people are fighting back with dance and freak gasoline fight accidents. Well, maybe not the second thing.

from Steven Crowder Says