Thursday, September 23, 2021

Psaki Announces Horses are Banned from Border Patrol Use in Del Rio

Psaki Announces Horses are Banned from Border Patrol Use in Del Rio
Courtney Kirchoff - September 23, 2021 at 12:23PM

The most humane way to tell people swarming the border in hopes of getting in, that they're not welcome until we've vetted who they are and what their business is, is a giant motherf*cking wall. Walls have no eyes and have no prejudices. Walls treat everyone the same. They're the symbol of fairness. Since the left said walls are racist and mean because the left is insane, border patrol had to use other means to protect the border. Namely, chasing people while on horseback. But as of now, they'll just have to chase people on foot, I guess. Jen Psaki has announced that because of the "disturbing images" that came out of Del Rio, no more horses are to be used in Del Rio.

I wrote a triggering column already about how to treat people at the border, regardless of skin tone, since we haven't the humane wall millions of Americans wanted. Walls don't care about who you are, where you're from, what you did, as long as you love looking at them in marvel. I still say a WALL is the best line of defense against those who wish to penetrate the border.

penetrate pitch perfect GIF Giphy

Horses are effective tools for border patrol and law enforcement in general. They're the most effective off road vehicle available to human beings and come equipped with natural self-preservation alarms which helps keep them (and hopefully their rider) out of danger. Due to their size, they allow their rider a better viewing angle. Sitting 10-12 feet high in the air will do that. Furthermore, most of the horses I saw in those "disturbing" photos were large. Anywhere from 1,000 to 1,300 pounds, I'd guess. That makes them intimidating when they're charging after you. Again, another protective quality for those atop them.

To remove an effective tool from border patrol strips border patrol of their abilities to do their jobs. That's obviously the point. Because this is now border patrol in Del Rio:

Monty Python Movie GIF Giphy

Last week I encountered Gen-Z folk who hadn't heard of Monty Python. Do better, Gen-Z.

Without horses, the border in Del Rio has now become a game of tag. Border patrol will have to chase the invading masses on foot. Or maybe they'll employ 4 wheelers. Or mountain bikes. Who can know. I am waiting for border patrol to be stripped of weapons to be replaced with bubble guns.

Note also that Jen Jen Psaki kept referring to the "alarming" and "disturbing" IMAGES. Have the invaders really been mistreated, or did the freeze frames just look a little too mean?

This administration is a joke.

from Steven Crowder Says