Thursday, September 30, 2021

Marine Who Criticized Leaders Over Afghanistan Is in Prison, and His Parents Are Speaking Out

Marine Who Criticized Leaders Over Afghanistan Is in Prison, and His Parents Are Speaking Out
Brodigan - September 30, 2021 at 07:00AM

Someone has been jailed for the Afghanistan debacle. Someone has been jailed over Joe Biden's gross incompetence. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller. He's the Marine who spoke out against the incompetence. His parents, Stu Sr. and Cathy, spoke to Tucker Carlson on Wednesday to share his son's story.

To be clear, Scheller isn't in the brig for the original video. He was given a gag order not to speak on social media after the initial video of him criticizing leadership. He broke that gag order over the weekend and was arrested for that. It's still bullshit. It's full-on bullshit, without an asterisk replacing a vowel in case kids are reading. I just want to make sure everyone knows the specific reason why it's bullshit.

Also, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was arrested on Monday. On Tuesday, two general testified under oath that the president of the United States lied to the American people about Afghanistan. Even though they avoided saying the word "lie" as best they could. Actually, let me be more precise. Joe Biden lied "in my opinion." Your opinion too. An "independent" "fact" checker might cite the White House spin that Biden didn't lie.

Stu Sr. told Tucker his son's crime was speaking truth to power, and the power didn't like it. He's also made this request of the American people:

"We're mad, we're mad as hell. And I'm asking the American people to find your voice. Stand up, demand accountability of your Congresspeople. Ask for Lieutenant Scheller to be freed. In my opinion, of course, I'm Dad, so it's probably not fair, but I think he should receive his pension after 17 years of fighting for this country. I think he and his family should have their health benefits and VA benefits for the rest of their lives for the sacrifices he's made."

Cathy asks the American people to keep her son in our prayers. I'll be fulfilling both of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller's parents' requests. I hope you will as well.

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