Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Biden Aides (Again) Panic When Reporters Ask Biden Questions in Oval Office, Only Reporters Are Big Mad Now

Biden Aides (Again) Panic When Reporters Ask Biden Questions in Oval Office, Only Reporters Are Big Mad Now
Brodigan - September 22, 2021 at 07:10AM

Joe Biden had a busy day yesterday. He was in New York City to speak at the United Nations, where his handlers yelled at reporters for trying to ask him a question. Then he traveled back to the White House to host U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Where Biden's handlers, again, freaked the f*ck out when reporters tried asking Biden questions. Maybe it's because a reporter snuck one when aides weren't looking. Still, what an embarrassment.

To further illustrate what a biyatch this makes our puddingheaded president looks like, this is what happened prior. Boris Johnson was taking questions from HIS reporters. Remember, Johnson is the PM of England, the country we broke up with. The one where we're never, ever, ever getting back together. After seeing Biden in action, I don't think they would take us.

Reporters did what you would expect them to do. They bent over and took it. Only some of them whined on Twitter while taking it. One reporter lodged a formal complaint:

Psaki was unaware that the incident had occurred, and suggested she was not in position to offer an immediate solution.

Your pooler requested a press conference. Psaki suggested the president takes questions several times a week."

Shorter Psaki: "The money's on the nightstand, trick. You knew what this was. Now get back on that boulevard and report Republicans are seizing on the border crisis."

It's hard to be mad at the White House. I mean, it's easy to be mad for their policies and the way they are destroying the country. It's embarrassing that they are so scared of Biden being left unattended to answer questions they have conniptions when reporters get all yappy. Unless DOOCY was there, I can't imagine many questions outside Biden's favorite ice cream. But as far as the disrespect the White House has for the mainstream media, game respect game.

The White House knows the mainstream media is their bottom b!tch who will do whatever they're told. The White House continues to act accordingly. I mean, what are reporters going to do? Report accurately and honestly? Of course not.

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