Sunday, September 19, 2021

'F*** Joe Biden' Week Three: College Football Fans Continue Telling POTUS What He Can Do with Himself

'F*** Joe Biden' Week Three: College Football Fans Continue Telling POTUS What He Can Do with Himself
Brodigan - September 19, 2021 at 07:37AM

To paraphrase one of the great political philosophers of our time, Sean "Diddy" Combs, the "f*ck Joe Biden" chants can't stop, won't stop. The patriotic dissent ISN'T limited to college football games. We've seen this week people line the streets of Idaho to let Joe Biden know how much he su-didddly-ucks. If you drive around Pennsylvania, you can see billboards informing motorists our pudding-headed commander-in-chief made the Taliban great again. But the college football chants are the most fun. Rival fans are taking a break from saying who is having sex with whose mother. They are uniting to speak out about politics. It warms the heart. The children may be our future after all. All this time, I thought that was just an 80s song.

The #FJB chants continued this week. This time, with more cowbell.

Here's Kentucky making Senator Rand Paul proud. Though Sen. Paul may have preferred a "F*ck you, Fauci" chant. Definitely keep #FJB going. Just saying, "f*ck you Fauci" fits the cadence as well.

Wyoming has entered the chat.

This dude is leading the charge in Tennessee.

I think this is Louisianna. Biden visited there recently. Draw your own conclusions.

There are people, humorless people who are miserable to be around, who may think sharing these videos is silly. I'm just following the same journalistic standards set by the mainstream media. If some random dude's video of himself booing Donald Trump at the UFC is newsworthy, so is three weeks worth of audiences expressing disapproval of Biden. Those people may find chanting 'f*ck Joe Biden" to be offensive. I find Joe Biden saying the pandemic is an excuse to remake our economy in his image to be offensive. We all have different priorities.

Keep it up, Kings and Queens. Let's try and get something going in Georgia and Florida next week.

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