Saturday, September 25, 2021

Hillary Clinton Gets Heckled as 'War Criminal' as a Child Walks Behind Her Carrying Her Cape

Hillary Clinton Gets Heckled as 'War Criminal' as a Child Walks Behind Her Carrying Her Cape
Brodigan - September 25, 2021 at 07:42AM

If you could bottle the lack of self-awareness of Hillary Clinton, it might be developed into another treatment for C*VID. The Biden Administration would then ban that treatment because you should only take the v*cc*ne. But that's beside the point. We're here to have a laugh at the expense of a two-time failure at running for president. She was giving a speech in Northern Ireland for some reason. This was the scene outside.

"War criminal!"

"Go f*ck yourself!"

"Is the kid a gift to Bill from Jeffrey Epstein?"

That last line was me yelling at my computer. But the first two were from the old country and wanted Hillary to know how much she sucks at life. Which as an aside, this new trend of Europeans heckling the worst of our American exports is one I fully support. Yesterday, it was Brits telling Nancy Pelosi to go back to Jeffrey Epstein's island. Today, it was the Irish telling Hillary to go f*ck herself. All while Bill was probably back at the hotel banging some lass he picked up at a pub. As we found out recently from Rose McGowan, bringing unsuspecting ladies up to his room is Bill Clinton's go-to move.

Worse than the heckling ... the child walking behind her? I can't be the only one who believes she has that written into her contract rider. "Before speaking, an underage servant must walk six feet behind me carrying my cape that I will only wear as an excuse to have an underage servant walk six feet behind me." Van Halen demanded M&M's with the brown ones picked out. Hillary Clinton demands the luxuries she was expecting had she been elected president.

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