Wednesday, September 22, 2021

'That Speaks Volumes': Ted Cruz OWNS Richard Blumenthal Who Can't Answer Simple Question About Voter Laws

'That Speaks Volumes': Ted Cruz OWNS Richard Blumenthal Who Can't Answer Simple Question About Voter Laws
Brodigan - September 22, 2021 at 11:34AM

Democrats are still trying to push their federal takeover of elections. It's their "For the People Act." Even though the only people it is for are leftists looking to hold on to power. There is yet another hearing happening today, hosted by Connecticut Senator Dick Blumenthal. Sen. Dick got his face wrecked by Ted Cruz.

What follows before this video, I can only assume. Because we've seen this movie before. Democrats claim any voter integrity is raaaaaaaaacist. Republicans prove that it is not. The media says, "Yeah, what the Democrats said." Could I look up the context that comes before this clip? Sure, I guess. The mainstream media could have looked up the difference between a whip and horse reins. That's just not the world we live in today. Plus, I know y'all are here for the Ted Cruz mic drop.

Cruz: "Why is it that Connecticut has lower African-American registration and lower African-American turnout than Georgia and Mississippi?"

Blumenthal: "You know, I'm really not here to debate you …"

Cruz: "That speaks volumes."

Maaaaaaybe Blumenthal has Cruz on a technicality. He WASN'T there to debate him. It was a hearing, not a debate. That's at least what the "independent" "fact" checkers will run with. But Cruz's point SHOULD be a part of the hearing. Systemically racist Democrats who believe minorities can't do anything on their own claim any voter laws will prevent them from voting. it's the only argument against voter integrity laws that they have. A guy running a hearing about voter laws should be able to answer the question of why, if what Democrats say is true, registration and turnout among minorities are higher in states with other ID laws.

Hearing a U.S. senator tell another U.S. senator "I'm not here to debate you" while in the Senate is just funny. Blumenthal should go back to lying about his war record.

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