Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Jen Psaki Bombs: Confirms Biden Ignorance About Tax Hikes Making Everything Expensive for All Americans

Jen Psaki Bombs: Confirms Biden Ignorance About Tax Hikes Making Everything Expensive for All Americans
Brodigan - September 28, 2021 at 09:07AM

Big news out of Washington D.C. Democrats are set to (maybe) pass Joe Biden's massive tax hike. It's the crown jewel in Biden's economic plan. It includes an increase in corporate taxes, investment taxes, and income taxes on anyone who makes more money than Joe Biden. No, really. The cutoff is Biden's salary. You can almost admire the stones.

Those of us who know how to math know that, when you make it more expensive for businesses to stay in business, everything becomes more expensive. Jen Psaki, White House soulessspokesginger, thinks that's poppycock. In Psaki's defense, she was probably just happy not to have DOOCY making the administration look stupid about the border crisis again.

REPORTER: According to math, when you make the cost of business go up, it makes the ost of everything go up. Yes, even people who make under $400,000 like the president. We'll save why Biden made his salary the cutoff for another time. But what do you say to math?

PSAKI: Math is absurd.

These are the same people who will tell you that paying people not work isn't why they aren't working. And for the same dishonest reasons. According to Biden and the people who run them, they are sticking it to billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. The claim is they can afford to pay more. Bezos and Gates probably can. This is why they support Democrat tax hikes. They know they can afford to, and as long as they keep supporting and donating to Democrats, Democrats won't actually do anything to them.

The small business owners who employ most of us are the ones who get screwed. They're the businesses that are barely operating at livable profit margins, now being told they don't pay enough and aren't taxed enough. I'm fairly certain Biden and the people who run him know this. They just don't care.

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