Sunday, September 26, 2021

Comedian Destroys Joe Biden Voters Who Pretend Voting for Biden Wasn't a Colossal Mistake

Comedian Destroys Joe Biden Voters Who Pretend Voting for Biden Wasn't a Colossal Mistake
Brodigan - September 26, 2021 at 09:29AM

In 2020, voters had a choice. At its most cynical, the choice was between a guy who was a jerk on Twitter and a guy who is (allegedly) a dementia patient. The (alleged) dementia patient won. Voters were led to believe that voting for the (alleged) dementia patient would bring unity to America. Instead, we wound up with Joe Biden as president (and/or the people who control Biden) and the mess 2021 has become. Polls show Biden's approval deteriorating faster than Biden's continence. But there are some people who believe voting for Biden was NOT a mistake.

Have you ever tried having a conversation with any of these people? Comedian JP Sears thinks it may go a little something like this.

Norm MacDonald PREDICTS Election Corruption | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says