Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Liberal Crazy Lady 'Raps' to Shame You to Get Vaccinated. You'll Want to Punch Something Instead.

Liberal Crazy Lady 'Raps' to Shame You to Get Vaccinated. You'll Want to Punch Something Instead.
Courtney Kirchoff - September 21, 2021 at 09:18PM

Remember the time you decided to get vaccinated because a basic white girl in her basic white girl gray living room with even a basic white girl wall clock heavily implied you were an idiot? No? Oh, let me help you.

I'm convinced! After watching this video, I gave the doc a ring a ding ding and ordered me a round of COVID shots. It's gonna be LIT up in my bloodstream tonight, y'all.

My favorite part, aside from absolutely all of it, was when she told us we're stupid for taking ivermectin instead of the shot. Because as science tells us, those are the only two options. Never mind pesky immunity from previous infections. We're not allowed to point out that despite this pandemic lingering for over a year, no one seems to have any antibodies, only fear. Guess everyone who got COVID just up and croaked. Wonder how many were lost because their spirits were so broke. All you can do now to make up is get poked.

Basic bitch is my game, I brag because there ain't no shame. My biggest gripe is this bitch is so lame, thinking she's powerful because she thickly lays blame.

When really, this lady is a dull-bladed tool. She spins rhymes and insults like state-funded fool. She fills her time with hateful obsession, worrying and toiling about a virus's aggression, projecting on you her feelings of rejection.

She and her ilk are what's wrong here, not you. Personal choice can't be up-ended with one rhyme or two. The constant vax campaign from and her crowd, are why many of us just will not be cowed.

But sure, keep trying you hive-minded hordes. Only do not discount our ability to settle scores.

from Steven Crowder Says