Monday, September 20, 2021

Dem Mayor Busted for Violating Mask Mandate. Then She Doubles Down!

Dem Mayor Busted for Violating Mask Mandate. Then She Doubles Down!
Courtney Kirchoff - September 20, 2021 at 01:20PM

People who vote Democrat may be deathly afraid of COVID, but Democrat-elected officials don't seem phased much at all. Look at the litany of Democrat leaders flouting their own lockdown or mask mandate edicts as evidence. Added to that list, Democrat San Francisco Mayor London Breed was asked about not wearing her saintly relic, the all holy mask, while out partying. Not only did she not apologize, the lady doubled-down on her dereliction of mask duty. We should all be as bold.

She didn't want to mask, sip, mask, sip, mask, munch, mask, munch, mask, sip, mask, sip, and go dancing.

But you should. You should mask, sip, mask on a plane. You should mask, sip, mask while out. You shouldn't even be out if you haven't yet received the all holy poke, you selfish heathen.

Democrats don't care about being hypocrites. Democrats don't care about being called out for their hypocrisy. That's because Democrats don't care. Not about you, not about the mandates, and not about COVID-19. What Democrats care about is control over you. That's pretty much it. We can pull our hairs out strand by strand until we've plucked ourselves balled yelling "HYPOCRITE!!!" but we've bellowed that call for years. What's changed? Zip, zero, nada.

We can't beat them at this game. But we sure as heck can join them. Yes, I am saying you should be just as unapologetic for enjoying life as London Breed is. You should be just as annoyed with the same mask mandates London Breed surely supports, and just as unwilling to adhere to them as London Breed. And yes, you should share this video with all your obedient little Democrats who are too afraid to live and are therefore trying to stop you from living.

from Steven Crowder Says