Thursday, September 30, 2021

New Anti-DeSantis Ad Is So Hysterically Bad, It Should Be Considered an In-Kind GIFT to Ron DeSantis

New Anti-DeSantis Ad Is So Hysterically Bad, It Should Be Considered an In-Kind GIFT to Ron DeSantis
Brodigan - September 30, 2021 at 09:22AM

Social media giving everyone a voice has been a mixed bag. On one hand, it allows those of us with an opposing viewpoint to get past the filter of the news-entertainment industrial complex. On the other hand, it allows for anyone with copy of Adobe Premier to think they can be a media consultant too. Exhibit Q is this new "anti" Ron DeSantis ad. I put "anti" in quotes because this ad is so bad it should be considered an in-kind contribution to Ron's political future. Team DeSantis should send the people responsible a muffin basket to thank them for their support.

The group is called "Remove Ron" and it is warning people about the — wait for it — "Florever Purge." The following two minutes are so unintentionally hysterical, it would not surprise me to find out David Hogg is behind it. Just watch.

The DeSantis camp hasn't been this happy about someone attacking them since Samantha Bee opened up her face hole.

The concept is that DeSantis' commonsense, pro-freedom way of dealing with C*VID is going to lead to a purge. No doubt, these are the same ignorant Democrats who think catching the 'rona is a guaranteed death sentence. The video presents DeSantis' decisions like no school mask mandates as a bad thing.

The timing is also off. Much like last summer when the media claimed DeSantis was killing people, Florida's 'rona numbers are already on their way down.

As DeSantis spokesninja Christina Pushaw points out, "This dramatic decline in Florida COVID numbers began right after schools opened." Imagine that!

Three cheers to everyone responsible for "Remove Ron." On behalf of Americans who want Ron DeSantis to run for president, it's the support from people like you who will make it possible.

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