Friday, September 24, 2021

Anthony Fauci Lectures Gloria Estefan to Ignore Her Doctors, Listen to Him About Antibodies Instead

Anthony Fauci Lectures Gloria Estefan to Ignore Her Doctors, Listen to Him About Antibodies Instead
Brodigan - September 24, 2021 at 08:26AM

Apropos of nothing, the Miami Sound Machine's "Primitive Love" still holds up. But we're not here to say I heart the '80s. We're here to say I hate the Fauci. Today's edition of playing chicken with what we're allowed to say about the health crisis on Facebook comes from Gloria Estefan. The singer, who recently came down with the case of the 'rona, was having a kibitiz with Fauci. The man who is "literally" the science.

Estefan mentions how her doctors told her she had antibodies after catching the 'rona. She was advised not to get a Fauci Ouchie yet. Fauci, who is not her doctor and hasn't seen a patient in decades, told her not to listen to them. I know panic porn-peddlers would prefer you listen to the media instead of your doctor. But dude, seriously?

I'm not a medical professional. That's why I listen to MY doctor when it comes to my personal health since he is one. My advice is to always listen to your doctor over some random schmuck on TV. But what I find fascinating about Fauci's "advice" is what Fauci said fifteen days ago. Yes, the same amount of time we were supposed to flatten the curve in. During one of Fauci's many, many, many CNN appearances, he was asked point-blank about natural immunity. That conversation went a little something like this:

CNN DOCTOR: "Natural immunity provides a lot of protections even better than the vaccines alone? What are people to make of that? I get calls all the time from people who already have had COVID. How do you make the case to them to get the vaccine since immunity isn't something you can just wave away with your pen?"


I wonder what changed. I also wonder what changed from 2019 when Fauci was anti-mask, pro-diet and exercise. But that's for the media to ask about and Fauci to flip-flop on again. I'm more astounded by this initial video. Someone told Fauci their doctors told her to wait a few months before getting the v*cc*ne. THEY DIDN'T SAY NOT TO GET IT. They just said wait until she was fresh out of antibodies. Fauci's message to her, and through her the world, is to ignore your doctor and list to him instead.

If it wasn't so terrifying that people actually listen to this assclown, I would almost admire Fauci's stones.

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