Monday, September 20, 2021

Taliban Floats Down River on Duck Boat Armed with a Rocket Launcher, and the Internet Has Thoughts

Taliban Floats Down River on Duck Boat Armed with a Rocket Launcher, and the Internet Has Thoughts
Brodigan - September 20, 2021 at 02:04PM

The Taliban is on holiday. Cut them some slack, they've had a busy month or two. Taking over a country. Confiscating guns. Stoning women who burn the babaganoosh. Teaching gay people to fly. They're spent. If anyone deserves a relaxing afternoon floating down a crystal clear river, it's the new Afghanistan overlords. Complete with duck boats. Because, really, at this point in time why wouldn't they be floating down the stream in a duck boat. Armed with a rocket launcher. (h/t Not the Bee)

Here we all thoughtt it couldn't get more absurd than the Taliban working out and eating ice cream. Jokes on us!

"But Brodigan, those are Taliban propaganda photos. You're spreading Taliban propaganda." Maybe. On a related note, CNN spread communist China propaganda today about how much cooler China's gun laws are compared to America. The difference is that CNN is sincere, and I've gathered you here today to laugh at armed-to-the-teeth terrorists having a paddle-boat race. In crystal clear blue water too. Someone explain that sh*t to me.

The highlight is of course my man with the rocket launcher. As of this writing, it is unclear if he's owned it for a while OR if it's one of the tens of billions of dollars' worth of weapons the Biden administration left in the lost and found.

All we need is a video montage of the Taliban frolicking, set to the tune of "Vacation" by the Go-Gos. I would think this was an episode of It's Always Sunny in Kabul. Instead of a painful reminder of where foreign policy is right now under the Biden administration.

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