Friday, September 24, 2021

Three You May Have Missed: Girl James Bond, Biden Hearts Big Pharma, and the Face of School Mask Mandates

Three You May Have Missed: Girl James Bond, Biden Hearts Big Pharma, and the Face of School Mask Mandates
Brodigan - September 24, 2021 at 09:03AM

There are only so many hours in the day for you to read about the wheels falling off the planet. We get it. Courtney and I are happy you make as much time to listen to us rant and rave as you do. Sometimes stories get missed. Other times, Facebook does Facebook things and you may not even see the stories. Then every so often, we post something about DOOCY and it overwhelms the site.

Here are some postings you have may have missed. The first one is notable because Friday morning, Joe Biden is making an announcement about v*cc*ne boosters. The ones his CDC is overruling the experts on. So when we say he's making Big Pharm rich by defecating on your rights, it's not like we want to be correct about it.

Vaccines, public health measures, and "collective action" is how we combat the pandemic, huh? Did you see what's NOT mentioned? People who've already been infected with COVID and have natural immunity and are, according to some studies, more immune to new variants of COVID-19. That means you shouldn't thank the vaccinated, you should thank the previously infected for not spreading new variants. I can't say the same for the all holy poked.

We also saw what New York's mask mandate on TWO-YEAR-OLDS looks like. It looks like a two-year-old crying and being tortured by day care workers.

The villains are anti-science politicians like Joe Biden and Kathy Hochul. The World Health Organization doesn't recommend masks on anyone under the age of five. That's batsh*t crazy enough. But not as batsh*t crazy as Democrats MANDATING masks on everyone over the age of TWO YEARS OLD. Democrats will claim they are following "the CDC" and call it following "the science," This is the same CDC whose "science" has been compromised by the teachers' unions. The same teachers' unions that give Democrats lots of money. I'm sensing a pattern.

In entertainment news, even Daniel Craig thinks a girl James Bond would be dumb:

Bingo. Tossing a role that's always been a man to a woman is a sloppy second. A hand-me-down. It wasn't made for her, it was made for him and if he doesn't want it anymore, he just gives it to a woman? That practice is insulting. It assumes women are just second-grade men. That we're not unique in our feminine ways and are just interchangeable with men. We're not.

Enjoy the weekend! You keep reading, we'll keep writing!

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from Steven Crowder Says