Friday, September 17, 2021

Three You May Have Missed: Biden's Polling, MAGA Trolling, and Fauci ... We Hate Him So Much

Three You May Have Missed: Biden's Polling, MAGA Trolling, and Fauci ... We Hate Him So Much
Brodigan - September 17, 2021 at 01:22PM

There are only so many hours in the day for you to read about the wheels falling off the planet. We get it. Courtney and I are happy you make as much time to listen to us rant and rave as you do. Sometimes stories get missed. Other times, Facebook does Facebook things and you may not even see the stories. Occasionally, you get distracted by a dog wearing a sombrero.

Here are three stories you may have missed this week as you've been living your lives:

Joe Biden's Job Approval Numbers Are Sinking Like the Titanic

You'll notice the most consistent slip in approval and rise in disapproval toward the end of August. That's likely due to the abject failure that was the Afghanistan pullout. The administration was hoping everyone would forget Afghanistan by now, since Biden moved on to turning the Constitution into confetti so he could cope with his frustration by throwing it at the "unvaccinated" causing the pandemic. Doesn't look like the strategy has worked.

Controversial (and Hilarious) Billboard Accuses Joe Biden of Making the Taliban Great Again

As far as billboards go, it's decent. It has a compelling message and the caricature is on point. I give it an 8/10. It's not a 10/10 like the billboard that imagined Biden and Kamala Harris as actual piles of poop. The poop is what puts that one over the edge.

from Steven Crowder Says