Wednesday, September 29, 2021

OH REALLY? Major Democrat: 'Parents Shouldn't Tell Public Schools What to Teach'

OH REALLY? Major Democrat: 'Parents Shouldn't Tell Public Schools What to Teach'
Courtney Kirchoff - September 29, 2021 at 11:49AM

Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe said the quiet part out loud, as my work bro Brodigan likes to say. During the Virginia governor's debate Tuesday night said that parents shouldn't tell schools what schools teach. Guess who funds public schools, though.

The comment came after his Republican contender, Glenn Youngkin, said parents should be more involved in what their children learn. I'm not parent, but that makes sense.

Glenn Youngkin is already out with an ad running with this moment.

Well played, Glenn.

Sure, we could wave our hands and roll our eyes while saying "McAuliffe is Virginia's problem." But that would be a mistake. If we've learned anything about Democrats, it's they're cut from the same dirty mask cloth. Take McAuliffe and drop him into your state and it's just as much of a problem. Democrats do not want parents involved in what your children are taught. But Democrats do want the money from parents to brainwash their children.

So long as public schools are funded by THE PUBLIC then the PUBLIC absolutely gets to decide what the schools teach. If Democrats do not want parents involved in what their children's education looks like, then I have a suggestion: allow parents to opt out of funding the school. This is known by another name: school choice.

Democrats hate school choice. Ah heck, Democrats hate choice period. Because if you have choices, you may not chose correctly. If you have choices, you may not chose to have Democrats brainwash your children through state schools. They can't have that. They can't have YOU teaching YOUR kids. You might teach them freedom and responsibility and not to blindly follow government.

Homeschool. Make it go mainstream.

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from Steven Crowder Says