Tuesday, September 28, 2021

NBA Player Makes Perfect Case for Refusing the C-Vax. Hint: NATURAL IMMUNITY!

NBA Player Makes Perfect Case for Refusing the C-Vax. Hint: NATURAL IMMUNITY!
Courtney Kirchoff - September 28, 2021 at 11:38AM

Jonathan Isaac is a Small forward, Power forward for the Orlando Magic, an NBA team in Florida. He was asked during a press conference about why he was against the vaccine. Since people are now being defined by their vaccination status. Sports is no longer about sports, we smeared that line ages ago. Anyway, Isaac's answer is more logical, sane, and compassionate than anything that's been uttered by the CDC, FDA, WHO, or any shill in the White House. Up to and including President Hold my Dentures. Check it out and tell me you're not a fan.

The article the first reporter is referring to is from The Rolling Stone which you can read here.

Paraphrased summary:

"What is it about the vaccine that makes you hesitant to get it?"

"I"ve had COVID in the past. Our understanding of antibodies and immunities has evolved since people gotten insane and won't turn off CNN. But with my current age group, my fitness level, and that I've already HAD COVID, I see no reason to take the vaccine especially since there's a risk I could have an adverse reaction to the vaccine itself. Plus, you can still catch COVID if you have the vaccine. I also don't like how unvaccinated people are treated."

He speaks so much truth during a time where truth is all but outlawed, classified as either "hate speech" or "misinformation." But he's right. On all counts. Taking a vaccine, a therapeutic, or really anything can put you at risk. Seriously, who among us hasn't swallowed water the wrong way and choked until we cried. That's my point. Whatever we do, there's a risk. So don't try to wiggle out of it.

Natural immunity should count for something, if not MORE than a vaccine. What the hell do you think the vaccine is supposed to replicate anyway? The immunity process.

Thirdly, Jonathan Isaac has noted as many of us have, the barrage of hate sent toward the dastardly unvaccinated population and he's chilled by it. Also turned off from getting jabbed if guilt is the greatest tool wielded by the all holy vaxxed. Who can still get and pass along COVID, as Isaac points out.

Jonathan Isaac, y'all. Speaking more sense than anyone has so far. And he doesn't have a science or medical degree.

from Steven Crowder Says