Monday, September 20, 2021

Classic Joe Biden: Blasts Black Men for Not Wearing Condoms, Brags He and Barack Got AIDS Tests

Classic Joe Biden: Blasts Black Men for Not Wearing Condoms, Brags He and Barack Got AIDS Tests
Brodigan - September 20, 2021 at 09:54AM

Of all the Joe Biden videos from the turn of the century, this video may be the Joe Biden-est. Biden has been around for 217 years. He ran for president a few times. He's had a debilitating case of diarrhea mouth. And that was all before the (alleged) dementia set in. I'm not sure of the context of this video. I'm guessing a 2008 presidential debate because Hillary and Barack are both giving him side-eye. As you watch Joe Biden opine on black men and condoms, I ask you to do two things. Of course, one of those is to ponder what would happen if Donald Trump said this. The other is to compare this Biden to 2021 Biden and tell me with a straight face 2021 Biden's brain isn't 51% tapiocoa.

I spent last summer going through the black sections in town holding rallies in parks. Trying to get black men to understand it is not unmanly to wear a condom.

Yes, I'm sure the African-American appreciates Biden's concern. Or "the community," as Biden put it. As Biden rants about how "the community" needs to get the message, he means the black community.

Also, for some reason, Biden, who at this time was with the same woman for 31 years, virtue-signaled about taking an AIDS test. He outed Barack Obama too. Get it? Because Obama is from "the community" Biden was lecturing.

I got tested for AIDS. I know Barack got tested for AIDS.

There is a reason why comedians would mock what a clueless putz Biden was dating all the way back in 2009. Biden was clueless over a decade ago. His deteriorating brain has the nuclear codes now.

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